Creative Arts Therapies


CATX 501 Foundations of Creative Arts Therapies 2.0 Credits

This interdisciplinary experiential course covers theory and research that inform the roots and contemporary development of creative arts therapies as professional practices. These include multiple factors that derive from and/or intersect with human creativity such as social justice, early development, health and wellness, therapeutic change, and the representation of human experience through collaborative creative engagement.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC or major is DMTC or major is MTC.

CATX 510 Principles and Practices in Music Therapy 2.0 Credits

An introductory orientation to foundational principles and practices in the music therapy profession. This course will critically discuss the historical and foundational underpinnings of the profession, contemporary practices of defining music therapy, current scope of practice and state of the profession, and critical, artistic reflexivity to support an anti-oppressive lens.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 512 Music Therapy Across the Life Span 2.0 Credits

This course provides an overview of theory and research pertaining to musical development and psychological aspects of musical experience across various domains, including perception, cognition, affective and neurological responses. Implications for practice are explored through applied methods and techniques in music therapy across the lifespan. Components of the course include social and cultural perspectives in musical development and theoretical approaches for varied therapeutic outcomes.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 528 Systems, Community Practices, and Therapeutic Relationships 4.5 Credits

This course examines the interactions between systems theories and the interrelated community and ethical practices for therapeutic relationship structure, ongoing assessment, and engagement. The principles and application of intersectional identities or lived context and development are applied to counseling approaches, such as building rapport for culturally responsive therapeutic relationships. The impacts of oppressed and privileged intersectional identities and views of health and pathology will be considered within systems perspectives.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 529 Family Systems for Assessment and Treatment Planning 4.5 Credits

This course examines the interactions between family systems theory and current assessment and documentation practices with youth, adults, older adults, and families and/or caregivers. The impact and intersectionality of lived experiences, culture-bound views and values, and wellness and resilience of clients and their family systems, both present and absent, will be explored. Through experiential practice, client-centered session planning and intercultural and ethical counseling methods will be introduced and reinforced.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 531 Adults & Older Adults Assessment & Treatment Planning 3.0 Credits

This course examines the interactions of theory and ethical art therapy and counseling practices with adults and older adults. From art therapy historical foundations to therapy as intermediary forces for social change, we will explore various systems of care and for particular client groups. The principles and application of artistic and psychological development in art therapy assessments, art media properties and clientele applications, art therapy treatment approaches, and dynamics within the therapeutic relationship will all be considered and applied. The impact of culture and views on health and pathology will be considered as well. Students will be introduced to treatment planning & clinical documentation wherein both written and concept skills will be reinforced through applied practice & reflection.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 532 Trauma, Crisis, and Community Care 3.0 Credits

This course provides an overview of current approaches and frameworks in counseling for developing rapport and providing trauma-informed treatment for children, adolescents, adults, families, and communities. Current research will be introduced emphasizing differential diagnoses, systems theories of trauma effects, resilience and trauma recovery, and their interface with neuroscience and reflective, integrative practices.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 533 Child & Adolescent Assessment & Treatment Planning 3.0 Credits

This course examines the interactions between theory and ethical art therapy and counseling practices with children and adolescents. The principles and application of artistic and psychological development in art therapy assessments, art media properties and clientele applications, art therapy treatment approaches, and dynamics within the therapeutic relationship are all studied and applied. The impact of culture and views on health and pathology will be considered as well. Students will be introduced to treatment planning and clinical documentation wherein both written and conceptualization skills will be reinforced through applied practice and reflection.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 534 Family Assessment and Treatment Planning 3.0 Credits

This course will provide an introduction to family art therapy facilitation, family art therapy theory, and assessment and treatment planning. Art therapy approaches including system theories, multicultural principles and ethical practices, materials use, and adaptable assessment tools will be represented in readings and class discussions to illustrate how art making can aid therapeutic work with families and dynamically applied. Lecture, class discussion, case presentation, and art making will be used to study the role of family in art therapy, as well as the in-depth family art therapy assessment and treatment planning processes.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 535 Creativity, Symbolism, and Metaphor in Art Therapy and Counseling 3.0 Credits

This course will provide students with the opportunity to integrate an understanding of the historical antecedents and ongoing conceptual development of the field, an overview of approaches and theory from related fields, the continuum of art therapy practice, and the development of art therapy as a distinct therapeutic profession. Included is the opportunity to apply knowledge of creativity, symbolism, metaphor, and artistic language to the practice of art therapy. Readings, case examples, and discussions will address creativity, symbolism, and metaphor in the art therapy treatment of individuals, groups, and communities of diverse cultures.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 536 Studio Art for Art Therapists 1.0 Credit

This course emphasizes the importance of the art therapist’s arts-based practice for informing clinical work. Studio work is focused on exploring the art therapist’s use of her or his own creative capacities in the service of individuals who would benefit from engagement in artistic processes.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 537 Art Therapy Group Supervision I 1.0 Credit

Students will present, discuss, and evaluate client and practicum site specific material from their various clinical experiences. Cases are discussed in small group interactive format where students can begin to connect theory and practice with children, adolescent, adult, and older adult populations. Students will learn observational and attending skills and also learn essential actions, attitudes and values for being an engaged learner. Learning will be intentionally attentive to developing culturally appropriate, collaborative, and productive therapeutic relationships. The student will apply supervision learning to their clinical education and in turn, allow both experiences to inform (and sometimes disagree with) the knowledge, theoretical understanding of art therapy and counseling.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 538 Art Therapy Group Supervision II 1.0 Credit

Students will present, discuss, and evaluate client & practicum site specific material from their various clinical experiences. Cases are discussed in small group interactive formats where students can begin to connect theory & practice with children, adolescent, and adult, older adult populations. Students will learn observational & attending skills and also learn essential actions, attitudes and values for being an engaged learner. Learning will be intentionally attentive to developing culturally appropriate, collaborative, & productive therapeutic relationships. The student will apply supervision learning to their clinical education and in turn, allow both experiences to inform (and sometimes disagree with) the knowledge, theoretical understanding of art therapy & counseling as provided in program courses.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 539 Art Therapy Group Supervision III 1.0 Credit

In this course students will present, discuss, and evaluate client and practicum site specific material from their various clinical experiences. The cases are discussed in a small group interactive formats where students can begin to connect theory and practice with children, adolescent, and adult, older adult populations. Students will learn observational and attending skills and also learn essential actions, attitudes and values for being an engaged learner. Learning will be intentionally attentive to developing culturally appropriate, collaborative, and productive therapeutic relationships. The student will apply supervision learning to their clinical education and in turn, allow both experiences to inform (and sometimes disagree with) the knowledge, theoretical understanding of art therapy and counseling.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 540 Addictions and Recovery Art Therapy Approaches 3.0 Credits

Alcoholism and other chemical dependencies and addiction are viewed as progressive and potentially fatal, if left untreated. Process addictions such as sexual, gambling, hoarding, and eating disorders are typically treated in terms of interrupting rigid coping strategies and recovery models being individualized to client needs. Art therapy uses creative processes to establish a clearer understanding of self-motivations and recovery frames such as the stages of change. Inherent in this process is the power of the image and processes of problem solving. Creative media can be used for individuals to explore and concretize thoughts, feelings, and conflicts and motivation to change and related recovery issues.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 541 Digital Media Use in Art Therapy and Counseling 2.0 Credits

Digital media are tools, formats or platforms, and processes of creativity and expression that can be created, viewed, disseminated, modified, and/or preserved on personal to desktop computers as well as other digital devices, such as Smartphones, iPads, and iPods. This course is designed to inform the art therapist and counselor students regarding best practice capacities and strategies to ethically create, store, share, and transmit client art making products on digital drives or cloud-based formats; review and enact informed consent processes of using communicative and creative digital media with clients; develop digital literacy skills and strategies of how to assist clients in developing them; and deepen one’s own digital media engagement.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 542 Mindfulness in Clinical Practice 2.0 Credits

This didactic and experiential course will provide students with the opportunity to learn fundamental concepts of mindfulness and its intersection with effective clinical practice. Evidence-based research of mindful practices, neurobiological explanations of the effects of mindfulness on the sympathetic nervous system, and current applications of mindfulness in a variety of healthcare and clinical settings will be reviewed. Student practitioners in this course will also learn self-care practices incorporating movement, stillness, sensation, breath work, and artmaking to assist in stress reduction, increased awareness of the developing practitioner self, and increased compassion for self and others.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 1 times for 4 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 570 Clinical Musicianship I 2.5 Credits

Provides methods for learning to accompany self and ensembles within music therapy applications. Additional emphasis is placed upon establishing a musical relationship through clinical improvisation methods for keyboards.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 571 Clinical Musicianship II 2.5 Credits

Provides methods for accompanying self, ensembles, and individuals using guitar within clinical music therapy applications. Additional emphasis is placed upon improvisational guitar techniques that support the establishment of the musical relationship.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 572 Clinical Musicianship III 2.5 Credits

Provides methods for developing clinical musical skills with emphasis upon piano, guitar, voice and percussion proficiencies in preparation for the second year internship. Students will further develop skills for working with musical responses of individuals and groups within a relational cultural framework.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 573 Clinical Musical Improvisation 4.0 Credits

Highly experiential course designed to introduce the student to: a) musical improvisation in general, and b) techniques used within a music therapy environment to develop therapeutic relationships with groups and individuals through the creative musical process. Established models of clinical musical improvisation will be included in readings and discussed in class, with exploration of the use of verbal processing in conjunction with the musical experience.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 575 Theories and Methods in Music Therapy with Children and Adolescents 4.5 Credits

Linking theory and research to practice, this course includes an overview of literature pertaining to musical development and related psychological theories. Implications for practice are explored through methods and techniques as applied in music therapy and counseling with children and adolescents. Both theoretical and practical components of the course include social and cultural perspectives in musical development and clinical methods for various treatment populations.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 577 Theories and Methods in Music Therapy with Adults and Older Adults 4.5 Credits

This course includes an overview of theory and research pertaining to psychological aspects of musical behavior and experience in various domains, including perception, cognition, affective and neurological responses. The experiential components of the course include methods and techniques as applied with adult populations, from early adulthood to advancing age, with a range of abilities and clinical need. Both theoretical and practical components of the course include social and cultural perspectives in musical development and clinical methods, including assessment and treatment planning for various treatment populations.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 578 Clinical Improvisation Skills 2.0 Credits

An experiential course exploring music therapy improvisation. This course is designed to support the development of improvisatory techniques used within therapeutic relationships. Established models of clinical musical improvisation with individuals and groups and the use of verbal processing in conjunction with the musical experience will be explored.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 579 Technological Applications in Music Therapy 2.0 Credits

This course will include various methods for incorporating music technology into clinical practice. Emphasis will be placed on basic recording and manipulation of digital audio, as well as audio / MIDI hardware setup and live usage.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 590 Clinical Musicianship I: Piano 2.0 Credits

This course provides methods for learning to accompany self, individuals, and groups within music therapy applications. Additional emphasis is placed upon establishing a musical relationship through clinical improvisation methods for piano/keyboards.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 591 Clinical Musicianship II: Guitar 2.0 Credits

This course provides methods for accompany self, individuals, and groups using guitar within music therapy applications. Additional emphasis is placed upon improvisational guitar techniques that support the establishment of the musical relationship.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 592 Clinical Musicianship III- Integrated Voice 2.0 Credits

Provides methods for developing clinical musical skills with emphasis upon voice, piano, guitar, and percussion proficiencies in preparation for internship. Students will further develop skills for working with musical responses of individuals and groups within a culturally responsive and sustaining framework.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 615 Community-Centered Processes in Music Therapy 2.0 Credits

This course is designed to facilitate understanding of community-centered music therapy processes across medical, wellness and prevention, and community arts and health settings. Attention is given to anti-oppressive, ecological approaches to therapeutic care. Students explore culturally sustaining practice models, systems, and policies through interdisciplinary approaches to facilitate therapeutic care.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 621 Culminating Project I 1.5 Credit

The culminating project is the opportunity to integrate theory, research, and practice on a relevant counseling topic. In this course, the student selects an area of focus, then completes the literature review and the project proposal. The project may be conducted as a research study or in any of a number of other format options that are congruent with how knowledge can be discovered, developed, and communicated.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 3 times for 20 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC or major is DMTC or major is MTC.

CATX 622 Culminating Project II 1.5 Credit

The Culminating Project II is an opportunity for the student to continue their concentration in and demonstration of exploration within a relevant topic area of counseling. It is designed as an independent project that builds on the previous Culminating Project I coursework. It includes completing a culminating project paper and a public presentation of their focused topic that further brings the student into community dialog.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 3 times for 20 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC or major is DMTC or major is MTC.
Prerequisites: CATX 621 [Min Grade: B] (Can be taken Concurrently)

CATX 623 Culminating Project in Dance/Movement Therapy I 1.5 Credit

The culminating project is the opportunity to integrate theory, research and practice on a topic that is relevant to dance/movement therapy and counseling. In this course, the student selects an area of focus, then completes the literature review and the project proposal. The project may be conducted as a research study or in any of a number of other format options that are congruent with how knowledge is discovered, developed and communicated in the creative arts therapies.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 3 times for 20 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is DMTC.

CATX 624 Culminating Project in Dance/Movement Therapy II 1.5 Credit

The culminating project is the opportunity to integrate theory, research and practice on a topic that is relevant to dance/movement therapy and counseling. This course builds on Culminating Project I. In it, the student completes the planned project and presents it to program faculty and in a public forum. The project may be conducted as a research study or in any of a number of other format options that are congruent with how knowledge is discovered, developed and communicated in the creative arts therapies.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 3 times for 20 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is DMTC.
Prerequisites: CATX 623 [Min Grade: B] (Can be taken Concurrently)

CATX 625 Culminating Project in Music Therapy I 1.5 Credit

The culminating project is the opportunity to integrate theory, research and practice on a topic that is relevant to music therapy and counseling. In this course, the student selects an area of focus, then completes the literature review and the project proposal. The project may be conducted as a research study or in any of a number of other format options that are congruent with how knowledge is discovered, developed and communicated in the creative arts therapies.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 3 times for 20 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 626 Culminating Project in Music Therapy II 1.5 Credit

The culminating project is the opportunity to integrate theory, research and practice on a topic that is relevant to music therapy and counseling. This course builds on Culminating Project I. In it, the student completes the planned project and presents it to program faculty and in a public forum. The project may be conducted as a research study or in any of a number of other format options that are congruent with how knowledge is discovered, developed and communicated in the creative arts therapies.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 3 times for 20 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.
Prerequisites: CATX 625 [Min Grade: B] (Can be taken Concurrently)

CATX 627 For Culminating Project Only 0.0 Credits

This no-credit course is available to creative arts therapy students who have submitted the MA Culminating Project to the advisory committee. Students in this course are expected to defend the thesis, complete revisions and submit the final copy of the thesis or capstone project for binding during the quarter covered by this course registration.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 5 times for 0 credits

CATX 631 Media, Materials and Process in Art Therapy 3.0 Credits

The techniques of materials use and media facilitation in art therapy are explored through the direct experience of art making with a range of art materials and processes in studio, seminar, and group-based formats. Students will distinguish therapeutic benefits and challenges with a variety of art processes and media, as well as articulate media strategies and qualities and the adaptive interventions possible, with a variety of individuals and groups.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 637 Advanced Art Therapy Group Supervision I 1.0 Credit

Students participate in group supervision through presenting, discussing, and evaluating clinical case material that they have co-facilitated and/or facilitated from their field experiences. Small groups of no more than 8 students are guided by a credentialed art therapist to engage in interactive dialogue about art therapy and counseling cases with an emphasis on diagnosis, treatment planning, individual/group dynamics, and transference/countertransference. Art therapy program development, professional identity, and ethical issues are also addressed. Students are expected to connect art therapy and counseling theory with their internship experiences with children, adolescent and adult, older adult clinical populations and settings.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 638 Advanced Art Therapy Group Supervision II 1.0 Credit

Building on the previous quarter of advanced group supervision, students will discuss & process how to remain engaged & present in sessions, how to address boundary issues, & how factors of burn out, compassion fatigue, and vicarious traumatization. As in previous supervision classes, students will continue to present, discuss, and evaluate clinical case material that they have co-facilitated and/or facilitated from their field experiences. Small groups of no more than 8 students are guided by a credentialed art therapist to engage in interactive dialogue about art therapy & counseling cases with an emphasis on diagnosis, treatment planning, individual/group dynamics, & transference/countertransference. Art therapy program & future job development, professional identity, and ethical issues are also addressed.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 1 times for 2 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 639 Advanced Art Therapy Group Supervision III 1.0 Credit

Building on two previous quarter classes of advanced group supervision and in preparation of graduation, students will cultivate professional supervision goals for future work and identify, activate, and process the dynamics of closure with clients and other vital internship relationships. Students will continue to present, discuss, and evaluate clinical case material that they have co-facilitated and/or facilitated from their field experiences. Small groups are guided by a credentialed art therapist and licensed counselor to engage in interactive dialogue about art therapy and counseling cases with an emphasis on diagnosis, art media and processes, treatment planning relative to client goals and needs, individual/group dynamics as displayed in art imagery and forms, and transference/countertransference.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 645 Professional Identity & Contemporary Practices 3.0 Credits

The fostering of professional identify is grounded in the interconnection between the values, lived experiences, ethical practices, and ever-developing worldview of the clinician. In this course, professional identity is reviewed through both the individualistic and collective lens. The requirements for professional state licensure and specialty board credentialing are reviewed, ethical codes are reinforced, and contemporary issues surrounding career development and entering the job market are explored. Ongoing professional development nurtured long term via supervision, professional affiliations, personal and creative development, and advocacy endeavors will be investigated and encouraged.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC.

CATX 670 Music and Imagery Methods in Music Therapy 2.0 Credits

Music and imagery approaches in counseling and therapy with individuals and groups are examined through experiential learning.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 673 Advanced Topics in Music Therapy and Counseling I: Music, Imagery and the Therapeutic Relationship 3.0 Credits

Music and imagery approaches in counseling and therapy with individuals and groups are examined through experiential learning, relevant literature, and standardized patient lab. The therapeutic relationship is addressed through a lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Readings and discussion topics will include counseling theories informing receptive music therapy, as well as resource-oriented and music-centered music therapy.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 674 Advanced Topics in Music Therapy and Counseling II: Integrative and Community Processes 3.0 Credits

This advanced course is designed to facilitate understanding of psychological, physical, spiritual, and sociocultural effects of music therapy in medical, wellness and prevention, and community music therapy settings. Attention is paid to the integration of mind, body, and spirit during the music therapy process as students participate as leaders and members of simulated experiences.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 676 Theories in Music Psychotherapy & Counseling 2.0 Credits

Designed to provide an introductory overview of major theoretical models of psychotherapy as they apply to music therapy. Readings and discussion topics will include psychodynamic and humanistic perspectives, as well as resource-oriented and music-centered music therapy. Attention will be given to emergent literature addressing the integration of music therapy with other clinical orientations.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 677 Advanced Music Therapy Skills: Integrative Methods 2.0 Credits

Students will study music therapy within group and individual formats incorporating wellness and mind/body approaches. Students will participate as leaders and members of individual and group experiences to simulate a variety of clinical, caregiver and other non-clinical populations.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 678 Advanced Clinical Improvisation & Musical Analysis 4.0 Credits

Advanced Clinical Improvisation and Musical Analysis includes exploration of intersubjectivity in the co-creation of the musical therapeutic relationship. Students will apply advanced musical skills in experiential formats, utilizing piano, guitar, percussion and voice. The musical analysis portion of the course includes methods of analysis of client musical expressions using developmental and interaction models. Approaches to post-analysis therapist response will be explored.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is MTC.

CATX 679 Advanced Clinical Improvisation and Analysis 2.0 Credits

This course explores intersubjectivity in the co-creation of musical therapeutic relationships and application of advanced musical skills in experiential formats utilizing piano, guitar, percussion, and voice. Client musical expressions are explored through developmental, multi-relational, and intersectional analysis. Approaches to post-analysis therapist response will be explored.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 685 Professional Identity & Contemporary Practices in Music Therapy 2.0 Credits

A culminating course exploring professional identity and contemporary practice issues in music therapy. This course provides in-depth discussion of professional entry as it relates emerging discourse on the therapeutic relationship and professional practice, requirements for professional licensure and credentialing, and career entry and development. Post graduate professional development, supervisory roles and processes, professional affiliations, personal and creative development, and advocacy will be explored to support student entry into the music therapy profession.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 703 Interdisciplinary Seminar I 3.0 Credits

This course is one in a series of three seminars in which students study the inter-relatedness between collective interdisciplinary bodies of knowledge and the CATs. The seminar is also to be viewed as a venue for identifying knowledge gaps in the CATs and generating original research topics. This seminar addresses the study of the interface between aesthetics, creativity and narrative and related implications for the CATs.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.

CATX 704 Interdisciplinary Seminar II 3.0 Credits

This course is one in a series of three seminars in which students study the inter-relatedness between collective interdisciplinary bodies of knowledge and the creative arts therapies (CAT). This seminar addresses the intersection between psychology, biology, and neuroscience and the CATs. The implications of study in these bodies of knowledge are considered for development of epistemology, theory and practice in the CATs.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.
Prerequisites: CATX 703 [Min Grade: B]

CATX 705 Interdisciplinary Seminar III 3.0 Credits

This course is one in a series of three seminars in which students study the inter-relatedness between collective interdisciplinary bodies of knowledge and the creative arts therapies (CAT). This seminar addresses the study of the interface between the tenets of anthropology, sociology, cultural diversity, and, the CATs. The study of how embedded cultural thought, semiotics, and healing practices, relate to theory, practice and research in the arts therapies will be the focus of the seminar.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.
Prerequisites: CATX 704 [Min Grade: B]

CATX 712 Philosophy and Theory in Research 3.0 Credits

This course is the first in the doctoral research sequence. It introduces the student to the philosophical, socio-cultural, and theoretical contexts for social science research and methods. The course introduces students to the ontology, epistemology, and axiology of various perspectives of research. The role of these research worldviews in creative arts therapies research is examined.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.

CATX 715 Expanded Perspectives on Research Methodologies 3.0 Credits

This course introduces current trends in research approaches for the Creative Arts Therapies and related fields. The philosophies and methods for mixed methods research, program evaluation, and other emergent approaches are discussed. Students also explore innovative approaches to design, data collection and data analysis based on their own research interests.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX 716 Studio Based Artistic Inquiry 3.0 Credits

This course introduces methods of self-directed learning through creative processes. The course consists of three parts: 1) creative exploration; 2) personal and group reflection, notation, and sharing; and 3) emotional, cognitive, sensory-motor, artistic, and interpersonal small group experiences. Appropriate readings will be collaboratively sought and shared by all participants to parallel the emergent scholarship and information-seeking practices of the students and a final, arts-based synthesis will be presented to peers and the instructor.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.
Corequisites: CATX 703, CATX 712

CATX 717 Intro to Arts-Based Research 3.0 Credits

This course introduces arts-based research for application in the Creative Arts Therapies as well as other healthcare and education disciplines. This course includes a critical review of arts-based research literature and aligning arts-based research methods appropriately with student research questions.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.

CATX 804 Dissertation Research I 1.0-9.0 Credit

This course focuses upon choosing a research topic for the dissertation. The topic will be chosen with ongoing faculty advisement. Once the topic is chosen the student prepares a dissertation proposal outline that includes the identification of the problem to be studied, the purpose of the study, the rationale, the methodology and the research question. The proposal outline must be approved by the program faculty. Following approval by the faculty the student begins writing their dissertation proposal.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 1 times for 18 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.

CATX 805 Dissertation Research II 1.0-9.0 Credit

In this course, with faculty advisement, the student writes the dissertation proposal. In addition, the student finalizes their dissertation committee during this term. The proposal is submitted to the dissertation proposal committee and the oral defense of the proposal takes place. The student must pass the oral proposal defense in order to register for CATX 806.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.
Prerequisites: CATX 804 [Min Grade: B] or ARTS 804 [Min Grade: B]

CATX 806 Dissertation Research III 1.0-9.0 Credit

In this course the student revises the dissertation proposal based upon the results of the Dissertation Proposal Defense and the dissertation format selected. The student prepares materials for IRB submission and approval. Once the dissertation is approved by the IRB, and with the advisement of the Supervising Professor, the student establishes a data management system and begins data collection.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.
Prerequisites: CATX 805 [Min Grade: B] or ARTS 805 [Min Grade: B]

CATX 807 Dissertation Research IV 1.0-9.0 Credit

This course includes the final stages of the dissertation during which the data collection is completed, the data is analyzed, the manuscripts, results and discussion chapters are written and the final dissertation is defended in an oral examination.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit
Prerequisites: CATX 806 [Min Grade: B] or ARTS 806 [Min Grade: B]

CATX 808 Practicum I 2.0-9.0 Credits

The practicum provides the practical application component of the doctoral program. The aim of the practicum courses is to transform the knowledge learned to this point in the doctoral program into practical application and research experiences in the Creative Arts Therapies fields.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.

CATX 809 Practicum II 2.0-9.0 Credits

This practicum course is a continuation of CATX 808 Practicum I and provides the practical application component of the doctoral program. The aim of the practicum courses is to transform the knowledge learned to this point in the doctoral program into practical application and research experiences in the Creative Arts Therapies fields.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CATX.
Prerequisites: CATX 808 [Min Grade: B] or ARTS 808 [Min Grade: B]

CATX 812 Teaching Practicum 1.0 Credit

The teaching practicum provides the opportunity for students to develop aptitudes and skills related to teaching in higher education including teaching philosophy, curriculum development, course construction and prep, in-class teaching experiences, pedagogical approaches, advisement, mentoring, supervision, and evaluation. The goal of the practicum is to prepare students for positions of leadership in academia in the Creative Arts Therapies fields.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

CATX I599 Independent Study in Creative Arts Therapies 0.0-12.0 Credits

Self-directed course within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

CATX I699 Independent Study in Creative Arts Therapies 0.5-4.5 Credits

Independent opportunities for study may be offered to individual students who have an interest and an academic rationale to pursue greater depth than is provided in other CAT courses. This course is structured with a contract and under close advisement.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ATC or major is DMTC or major is MTC.

CATX I799 Independent Study in Creative Arts Therapies 0.0-12.0 Credits

Self-directed course within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

CATX I899 Independent Study in Creative Arts Therapies 1.0-6.0 Credit

Independent study provides students with an opportunity to develop various components of their interests in creative arts therapies and health sciences. The course is structured with a contract and is designed to allow students access to avenues and resources (personnel, mentorship, institutional) to enrich their learning.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CATX T580 Special Topics in Creative Arts Therapies 1.0-5.0 Credit

This course focuses on topics of current interest to faculty and students; specific topics for each term will be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit if topics vary.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

CATX T680 Special Topics in Creative Arts Therapies 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

CATX T780 Special Topics in Creative Arts Therapies 1.0-5.0 Credit

This course focuses on topics of current interest to faculty and PhD students; specific topics for each term will be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit if topics vary.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

CATX T880 Special Topics in Creative Arts Therapies 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit