Complement & Integrative Therapy


CIT 501 Foundations of Phytotherapy 3.0 Credits

This course serves as a foundation for the safe, effective and rational approach to using some of the most commonly known herbs in clinical practice. Includes a review of primary uses, active constituents, pharmacological actions, known contraindications, drug interactions, potential side effects, and review of the clinical research.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 502 Foundations of Complementary and Integrative Therapies 3.0 Credits

This course provides an overview of the history of medicine and reviews the theoretical foundations of selected Complementary and Integrative Therapies, including botanical medicine, clinical aromatherapy, homeopathy, mind-body therapy, energy therapy, and humor. It introduces a holistic approach to health, and offers strategies for integration of the best of conventional and complementary practices for optimal health and wellness across the spectrum of care.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 503 Holistic Living For The Caregiver 3.0 Credits

This course is designed to take students on an experiential journey toward a holistic way of living that emphasizes a mind-body-spirit approach. Emphasizes development of healthy, nutritious eating, effective exercise, and guidelines for incorporating basic supplementation. Students stress reduction and management techniques including breathing, walking and music. Integrates spiritual concepts.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 507 Mindfulness Meditation 3.0 Credits

Mindfulness Meditation is a powerful technique that helps to promote health and well-being of the mind, body and spirit. Mindfulness practices reduce the negative effects of stress and improve focus and awareness in order to help one live a more meaningful life. This course explores the neuroscience and physiology of Mindfulness Meditation. Through weekly experientials students cultivate a personal practice for effective stress management, resilience and reflections rooted in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction techniques.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 511 Spirituality, Health and Healing 3.0 Credits

Spirituality is an essential aspect of one's identity. For some, spirituality is expressed in terms of religious concepts while for others it is less formalized yet no less significant in contributing meaning and purpose to their lives. Health, illness, and healing are three major life experiences impacted upon by one's spirituality.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 513 Yoga for the Enlightened Practitioner 3.0 Credits

This course provides a framework for understanding and experiencing the holistic practice of yoga. It addresses yoga's ancient philosophy of universal wisdom and this philosophy's increasing relevance to humankind today. The eight limbs of yoga are incorporated for study throughout the course content modules to promote self-awareness and conscious action in daily life experience. Holistic yoga application as a medical modality is reviewed based on evidence based practice.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 534 Witches, Wise Women and Women Healers 3.0 Credits

This course provides a chronicle of women healers throughout history from ancient to modern times--those who have served as priestesses, witches, wise women, and ultimately the healers who have helped to shape and form healthcare as we know it today. It examines the influence of religion, misogyny, science, politics, economics, and sexuality on the creation of the female archetype and the lasting impression that has influenced her role in healing practices. Students will also look at the role of modern healers and the evolving model of integrative healthcare in healing practice.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 552 Integrative Advanced Relaxation Techniques (I-ART) 3.0 Credits

Integrative Advanced Relaxation Techniques is a whole-person approach to stress management and healthy living that integrates evidence based modalities to promote relaxation and well-being. We will explore the science of the stress response and its impact on the physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual domains of health. Students will conduct assessments, evaluate modalities, and develop individualized relaxation strategies to reduce stress, increase positive outlook and improve health.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 553 Health Coaching for Lifestyle and Behavior Change 3.0 Credits

This course explores the core tenets of integrative health and wellness coaching in diverse health care settings. Coaching elements include developing the coaching partnership; assessing lifestyle factors, strengths and life satisfaction; using motivational interviewing to determine values and actionable health goals; and identifying barriers and resources. The course presents the evidence base on the impact of healthy lifestyle practices and the mind-body-spirit connection on positive health; and introduces tools and strategies rooted in the theory, research and practice of health and wellness coaching to obtain optimal and sustainable health and well-being.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: CIT 502 [Min Grade: B] and CIT 503 [Min Grade: B]

CIT 600 Foundations in Clinical Aromatherapy 3.0 Credits

This course provides a strong foundation for the safe and effective use of 20 therapeutic essential oils. Includes the clinical application of each essential oil, basic essential oil organic chemistry, safety, dosages and known contraindications. Reviews essential oil biosynthesis, specific plant morphological structures, extraction methodologies, primary avenues of absorption, and an overview of the history of aromatherapy. This course adheres to the educational standards (level one) set forth by the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA).

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 602 Women's Integrative Health 3.0 Credits

This course presents an Integrative Mind-Body approach for supporting various states of health imbalance specific to women's health. Applied integrative strategies highlight the use of dietary and lifestyle changes, nutritional supplementation, botanical medicines and other specific healing modalities. Takes into account the eastern philosophy of anatomy energetics, the integration of the physical and the spiritual, psyche and soma, into a harmonious whole for addressing specific women's health conditions.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 618 Principles of Holistic Nursing 3.0 Credits

This course provides a foundation of holistic nursing knowledge, understanding and insight, including holistic nursing theories, ethics, and beliefs. The course will focus on the American Holistic Nurses Association's Scope and Standards of practice, as well as the Holistic Nursing Core Values. Students will explore the concept of healing, evaluate current local and national trends and environmental conditions that affect health, and identify ways to incorporate the concepts of holistic nursing into professional practice.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 619 Principles of Bioenergy Therapies 3.0 Credits

Principles of Bioenergy Therapies examines the concept of human bioenergy fields and the healing modalities known as energy therapies that rebalance the bioenergy field to promote healing. The history and research into energy therapies is covered as students explore the paradigm shift in treatment of individuals in Western medicine.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 621 Principles of Hospice and Palliative Care 3.0 Credits

This course presents clinical practice guidelines and evidence base knowledge in addressing the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of patients living with serious illness. Tools necessary to provide compassionate whole person care that acknowledges and supports individual goals, values, wishes, are presented with techniques for essential collaboration of the patient, family, and an interdisciplinary health care team. This course will examine the ancient texts of death and dying, the unique energy of the ancient hospices in Europe, and the modern hospice and palliative care movement in the United States to model care delivery that enhances quality of life in the presence of serious illness.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 622 Integrative Therapies in Hospice and Palliative Care 3.0 Credits

This course introduces health care professionals to the use of complementary and integrative therapies (CIT) used in hospice and palliative care. The current use of proven modalities in palliative care will be discussed, as well as the potential for expanding current practice. This course provides students with evidence-based knowledge and skill to translate these modalities into clinical practice. A holistic approach allows for a more complete and effective serious illness plan of care, ultimately demonstrating that death may be embraced as a sacred and empowering life event, like the amazing moment of birth.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 623 Cultural Perspectives in Hospice and Palliative Care 3.0 Credits

Culture plays an important role in an individual's view of death and in a health care provider's provision of care at the end of life. This course will explore culture, the learned behaviors, beliefs, and values that define an individual's experience, affecting their views of health, illness, dying, and life after death. The health care provider will develop skills necessary to recognize, assess, and address the psychological, social/religious perspectives, and cultural taboos realizing that different cultures may require significantly different approaches, ultimately, providing a meaningful context for dying.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 624 Foundations of Integrative Addiction Therapies 3.0 Credits

This course introduces the principles of integrative addictions treatment, and explores evidence based complementary and integrative therapies to enhance sustainable recovery from substance abuse disorders. Students will explore the impact of neurobiological changes, adverse events, and poor nutrition, as well as other factors that contribute to continued use. Recovery will be viewed from many disciplines, promoting a whole person approach that addresses the physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual aspects of healing.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 625 Spirituality, Empowerment, and Transformation 3.0 Credits

This course is appropriate for clinicians within the helping professions seeking to support others on their unique paths towards wellness. Staring with the self, the student experiences integrative approaches on their own wellness journey. These techniques form an integrative approach to assist others. Theories and techniques of behavior change include positive psychology, cognitive behavioral processes, and spiritual intelligence. Complimentary and integrative approaches explored include guided visualization and imagery, journaling, meditation, mindfulness, music, and prayer.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 626 Translational Research in Complementary and Integrative Health 3.0 Credits

This course provides a comprehensive overview of research methods in Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH). Students are introduced to methods for assessing and conducting research specific to Complementary and Integrative Therapies. Each student develops a research design to address a contemporary health care issue through the lens of CIH, focusing on a synthesis of current knowledge, gaps in the literature, implications for practice and potential for future inquiry.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CIT.
Prerequisites: CIT 656 [Min Grade: B] or NURS 656 [Min Grade: B]

CIT 631 Introduction to Nutritional Neuroscience 3.0 Credits

This course explores the emerging interdisciplinary field of nutritional neuroscience that relates directly to many healthcare and quality-of-life issues at the forefront of modern society, including mood, cognition, addictions, and brain disorders (i.e. Brain Injury, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Alzheimer’s Disease). Students will review physiological foundational neuroscience and the neuronutritional models to address conditions. This course examines specific neuronutritional agents that can be used as part of an integrative approach to promote optimal neurochemistry and brain function and to slow or reverse the progression of conditions.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 656 Traditional Healing Systems 3.0 Credits

This course provides a survey of ancient and contemporary Traditional Healing Systems that form the foundation of health care around the world. Without exception, these systems feature a holistic approach to diagnosis and healing, the mind-body-spirit connection, and the importance of community and environment for health and well-being. We explore Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and African Medicine, as well as Unami, Native North American healing and Latin American Curanderismo, to better understand the roots of medical practices in the U. S. and around the globe, and to expand our respect for culture and diversity in modern health care.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: CIT 502 [Min Grade: B] or NURS 539 [Min Grade: B]

CIT 657 Functional Approach to Clinical Nutrition 3.0 Credits

This course introduces an evidence-based, functional medicine model of clinical nutrition, a science-based field of healthcare that examines core clinical imbalances that underpin specific conditions and associated symptoms. A functional approach to nutrition analyzes the multiple roles of various nutrients and focuses on how these key life-sustaining substances support health throughout the different systems of the body, as well as providing a broader perspective on deficiency symptoms and how to ameliorate them.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is CIT.

CIT 658 Advanced Women's Integrative Health 3.0 Credits

This course continues in the presentation of women’s integrative health strategies that incorporate a holistic Mind-Body-Spirit approach for addressing specific women’s health conditions. Applied integrative health protocols will focus on the use of dietary and lifestyle changes, nutritional supplementation, botanical medicines and other specific healing modalities for supporting various states of health imbalance.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 696 Integrative Health Strategies I 3.0 Credits

This course focuses on the application of evidence based integrative health modalities that include preventative, non-invasive and natural approaches to specific health conditions. Dietary and lifestyle modifications, nutritional supplementation, phytomedicines, mind-body stress reduction techniques, and other complementary therapies are evaluated for inclusion in individualized, holistic and comprehensive health plans. Students explore the characteristics of a successful health partnership, rooted in mindful presence, collaboration, empowerment to achieve health goals, and respect for the mind-body-spirit connection.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: CIT 502 [Min Grade: B] or NURS 529 [Min Grade: B]

CIT 697 Integrative Health Strategies II 3.0 Credits

This course expands on Integrative Health Strategies I by further exploring evidence based integrative health strategies that include preventative, non-invasive and holistic treatment approaches that can be utilized as supportive therapies for specific health conditions. Students are introduced to contemporary issues in the field, and develop professional skills to become leaders in the art and science of complementary and integrative health.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

CIT 698 Graduate Seminar 3.0 Credits

In this course, students begin the process of translating research into practice by assessing a health care need or problem within an organization and exploring the scientific literature to determine a Complementary and Integrative Health modality to improve outcomes or organizational function. The primary focus of Seminar is to develop a White Paper proposal for an organization of the student’s choice to address the integration of the selected CIH modality into service delivery, workplace function, or community practice.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: CIT 697 [Min Grade: B] (Can be taken Concurrently)

CIT I599 Independent Study in Complementary and Integrative Therapies 1.0-6.0 Credit

The independent study option provides students in the field of complementary and integrative health with the opportunity to develop various facets of their interests related to health sciences. This course is structured using a formal agreement and is designed to offer students access to different avenues and resources (such as personnel, mentorship, and institutional support) to enhance their learning experience.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 3 times for 24 credits

CIT I699 Independent Study in Complementary & Integrative Therapies 0.0-12.0 Credits

Self-directed course within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

CIT T580 Special Topics in Complementary & Integrative Therapies 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

CIT T680 Special Topics in Complementary & Integrative Therapies 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: College of Nursing & Health Professions
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit