Cooperative Education


COOP 001 Co-op Essentials 0.5 Credits

Co-op Essentials is an accelerated version of the required course for co-op students, COOP 101. It is designed for non-traditional students with significant work history. The course covers all of the essential job development topics including, introduction to the Steinbright Career Development Center and SCDConline, resumes, interviewing, and workplace issues. The emphasis of Co-op Essentials is on integrating and adapting the student’s previous experience to a co-op environment.

College/Department: University Courses
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if concentration is 4COP or concentration is 4TOP or concentration is 5COP or concentration is 5TOP.

COOP 101 Career Management and Professional Development 1.0 Credit

Prepares new students to achieve success, personally and academically, in their first co-operative education experience. Topics covered include career exploration, resume development, interview techniques, job search strategies, success in the workplace, and professionalism.

College/Department: University Courses
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

COOP 201 Co-op Experience 0.0-16.0 Credits

College/Department: University Courses
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 6 times for 96 credits

COOP 250 Professional Skills Enrichment 0.0 Credits

Professional Skills Enrichment is designed to enable the student to hone their job search skills. Taught as a series of workshops, each class focuses on a different career-related topic including Networking, Utilizing Social Networking Sites, and Mastering the Interview. Students are required to attend a mock interview and participate in a mock networking event.

College/Department: University Courses
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit