

BIOC 502S Biochemistry 1st Lab Rotation 4.0 Credits

First rotation. Guided research is conducted on a part-time basis for two or three 8-10 week periods. Rotations are generally conducted during fall, spring or summer of the first year. A written research report is required at the end of each rotation.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 503S Biochemistry 2nd Lab Rotation 4.0 Credits

Second rotation. Guided research is conducted on a part-time basis for two or three 8-10 week periods. Rotations are generally conducted during fall, spring or summer of the first year. A written research report is required at the end of each rotation.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 504S Biochemistry 3rd Lab Rotation 4.0 Credits

Third rotation. Guided research is conducted on a part-time basis for two or three 8-10 week periods. Rotations are generally conducted during fall, spring or summer of the first year. A written research report is required at the end of each rotation.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

BIOC 505S Biochemical Basis of Disease 2.0 Credits

This is an advanced graduate course designed to explore the biochemical basis of a variety of diverse diseases, ranging from the diabetes to Alzheimer's. The course format consists of student presentations that will be augmented by specialized lecture.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 506S Biochemistry Journal Club 1.0 Credit

A weekly journal club in which students take turns presenting recent papers from the biomedical literature.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 15 times for 100 credits

BIOC 507S Biochemistry Seminar Series 1.0 Credit

Weekly research seminars on topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Seminar speakers include both scientists from the Drexel faculty and scientists from outside institutions.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 15 times for 100 credits

BIOC 508S Experimental Approaches to Biochemical Problems 3.0 Credits

This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of the principles underlying the exerimental techniques currently used to tackle biochemical problems. A combination of lecture, duscussion, investigation of the primary literature, and demonstrations will be used.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: IDPT 533S [Min Grade: C]

BIOC 509S Biochemical Basis of Disease 3.0 Credits

This is an advanced graduate course designed to explore the biochemical basis of a variety of diverse diseases, ranging from the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) to Alzheimer's. The course format consists of specialized lectures that are augmented by student presentation. This course is open to all grad students. May be repeated once for credit.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 1 times for 3 credits

BIOC 511S Communication for Researchers 2.0 Credits

This is a course designed to introduce graduate students to the basics of scientific writing. The course will involve both the discussion of reading assignments and writing assignments for the students, which will be discussed and critiqued in class.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 513S Biotechnology Practicum I 4.0 Credits

The Biotechnology practicum is designed to provide hands-on experience with the techniques encountered in didactic courses and the Biochemistry seminar series. Laboratories for the practicum will be chosen taking into consideration the interests and career goals of the students. The student will carry out directed research in the lab of a faculty member with expertise in the techniques employed.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 514S Biotechnology Practicum II 4.0 Credits

The Biotechnology practicum is designed to provide hands-on experience with the techniques encountered in didactic courses and the Biochemistry seminar series. Laboratories for the practicum will be chose taking into consideration the interests and career goals of the student. The student will carry out directed research in the lab of a faculty member with expertise in the techniques employed.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 515S Biotechnology Practicum III 8.0 Credits

The Biotechnology practicum is designed to provide hands-on experience with the techniques encountered in didactic courses and the Biochemistry seminar series. Laboratories for the practicum will be chosen taking into consideration the interests and career goals of the student. The student will carry out directed research in the lab of a faculty member with expertise in the techniques employed.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 516S Biotechnology Practicum IV 4.0 Credits

The Biotechnology practicum is designed to provide hands-on experience with the techniques encountered in didactic courses and the Biochemistry seminar series. Laboratories for the practicum will be chosen taking into consideration the interests and career goals of the student. The student will carry out directed research in the lab of a faculty member with expertise in the techniques employed.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 520S Macromolecular Structure & Function 3.0 Credits

This course is designed to introduce the student to current research topics and latest developments in the area of the structure and function of various types of macromolecules. Topics may include enzyme mutagenesis, protein folding, structure based drug design and structural aspects of receptors, transcription factors and ion channels. Topics may vary in different years.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 521S Introduction to Biochemical Data 2.0 Credits

Modern biochemistry is defined by quantitative analysis of diverse data. While familiarity with tools for data analysis are essential for the modern biochemist, students often have difficulty dealing with numeric information and data tasks when they first encounter them in their own research. In some cases, students need skills that are either never taught formally or are presented only in an abstract sense. This course remedies this by introducing students to common data handling and analysis tasks from biochemistry and related disciplines, in a hands-on and problem-oriented small-group environment.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 522S Biochemistry of Drug Discovery & Design 4.0 Credits

This course will provide in-depth coverage of the preclinical drug discovery and design process, with a special emphasis on the key role of biochemistry at each stage. Biochemical knowledge and skills are required from the early identification of a therapeutic target and hit compounds, through hit-to-lead optimization, to establishing preclinical “absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity” profiles (ADMET) for lead compounds. Discussion of emerging areas in therapeutic design and case studies, both from literature and on-going research programs, will be included to give context to the lecture series. Due to the dynamic nature of many of the aspects of drug discovery, this course will be regularly updated to reflect new trends and technologies.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

BIOC 600S Biochemistry Thesis Research 9.0 Credits

Research toward the fulfillment of the dissertation is conducted beginning after successful completion of the qualifing examination. Progress is monitored by the student's advisor and department. Advisory Committee or Thesis Committee.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 15 times for 100 credits

BIOC 603S Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1.5 Credit

This course will supplement basic information taught in the biomedical sciences first year graduate core curriculum and provide a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of various topics in biochemistry. The course will include a mixture of lectures and literature-based assignments. Lectures are intended to cover topics deemed important for Biochemistry and MCBG students, but which are not covered in depth in the core curriculum. This will include practical aspects of experimental design and execution.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit


College/Department: College of Medicine
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit


College/Department: College of Medicine
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit


College/Department: College of Medicine
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 0 times for 0 credits


College/Department: College of Medicine
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit


College/Department: College of Medicine
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 0 times for 0 credits

BIOC T580S Special Topics in Biochemistry 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

BIOC T680S Special Topics in Biochemistry 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit