Interdiscplinary Health Science


IHS 500S Career Development in the Health Sciences Seminar I 1.0 Credit

This is the first of two seminar courses that will expose students to a variety of professions in the healthcare field. Presentations will be conducted by professionals in their respective fields. Students will also participate in group research projects investigating different healthcare professions, with the goal of examining team-based healthcare. This course will also examine effective tools to further professional development, and students will be required to complete an Individualized Development Plan (IDP).

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is IHS.

IHS 501S Career Development in the Health Sciences Seminar II 1.0 Credit

This is the second of two seminar courses that will expose students to a variety of professions in the healthcare field. Presentations will be conducted by professionals in their respective fields. Students will also participate in group research projects investigating different healthcare professions, with the goal of examining team-based healthcare. This course will also examine effective tools to further professional development, and students will be required to complete an Individualized Development Plan (IDP).

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: IHS 500S [Min Grade: C]

IHS 502S Neuropharmacology 3.0 Credits

This course will introduce students to neurotransmitters and their role in nervous system function. Course readings and lectures will provide: Anatomy and physiology basic elements; drug research and treatment of nervous system disorders; and explore environmental factors that affect nervous system function.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 505S Healthcare in Spanish I 3.0 Credits

This course will permit students with an existing knowledge of Spanish to develop a rich medical vocabulary through reading, writing and class discussions. Information regarding cultural subtleties and differences between various Hispanic subcultures will further enhance students' ability to communicate with Hispanic patients. Various public health & socio-political issues impacting the treatment & management of Hispanic patients will be examined & Hispanic healthcare scholars invited for selected guest lectures.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is IHS.

IHS 506S Healthcare in Spanish II 3.0 Credits

The course is designed to build cultural competency in numerous hispanic subcultures to assist future healthcare professionals in treating and interacting with patients of hispanic heritage. Course sessions will be conducted in spanish to further enhance students' communication skills with lecture and discussion emphasizing topics of significant interest to healthcare delivery and medicine.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: IHS 505S [Min Grade: C]

IHS 507S IHS Capstone Project Proposal 0.0-2.0 Credits

This is the first course in a three-course sequence. Students will select one of the following Capstone Project Tracks: Laboratory Research Track, Independent Research Track, or Community Service Research Track. This course requires completion of the Capstone Project Proposal.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 508S IHS Capstone Project Presentation 1.5 Credit

This is the second course in a three-course sequence. Building upon the Capstone Project Proposal, this course requires completion of the Capstone Project Presentation.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: IHS 507S [Min Grade: S]

IHS 509S IHS Capstone Project Paper 1.5 Credit

This is the third course in a three-course sequence. Building upon the Capstone Project Presentation, this course requires completion of the Capstone Project Paper.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: IHS 508S [Min Grade: S]

IHS 510S Introductory Biostatistics 3.0 Credits

This web-based course is an introductory biostatistics course designed to focus on learning the statistical principles most often used in medicine and clinical research. Biostatistics has become increasingly important in clinical research and health care professionals participating in or directing research projects find knowledge about biostatistics indispensable. When reading articles in medical journals, clinicians must understand biostatistics in order to decide whether they can believe the results presented in the literature, how the study results apply to patient care, or how to interpret information about drugs. Biostatistics covers the development and application of statistical techniques to clinical scientific research.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 511S Biology of Cancer 3.0 Credits

This course is a comprehensive overview of cancer, the goal is to provide students with general knowledge of cancer biology. Tumor development will be discussed as a multi-step process dependent upon changes of underlying molecular and cellular events. Additionally, the role of growth factors, oncogenes, and tumor suppressor genes will be included. Specific cell signaling pathways, cell cycle controls, and apoptosis resulting in metastasis will also be discussed.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 512S Principles of Immunology 3.0 Credits

This didactic course will acquaint you with fundamental concepts of the human immune system. First, we will introduce general features, such as innate and acquired immunity, and key players of the immune system (cellular and soluble). We will then study how these components interact to mount an immune response to various types of pathogens and illustrate mechanisms how this response is regulated. We will also discuss failures of these mechanisms, for example in immunodeficiency, hypersensitivity, cancer, and autoimmune disease. Further included is an overview of immune prophylaxis, COVID-19, and experimental systems and methods used to study immunology.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 513S Scientific Writing for Healthcare Professionals 2.0 Credits

This course will introduce students to the basic guiding principles of scientific writing, and to the writing techniques necessary to effectively and efficiently communicate scientific information to professionals in the science and healthcare communities. Referencing, plagiarism, and the elements of science journal articles will also be discussed.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 514S Molecular Biology & Biochemistry of the Cell 3.0 Credits

Modern cell biology combines genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology with traditional morphological descriptions to study how cells function at the molecular level. This course will introduce students to the dynamic relationships between the structure of cellular organelles and the numerous biochemical reactions that are necessary for cell growth, development, communication, motility, and survival with an emphasis on eukaryotic cells.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 515S Exploring Diversity in Healthcare 2.0 Credits

In a face-to-face format, this course is designed to introduce students to diversity through the examination of beliefs and practices. Culturally competent healthcare workers can reduce disparities through the provision of unbiased care. Students will discover ways to engage and support diverse populations through self-awareness and critical thinking. Current initiatives that encourage diversity will be discussed along with the practical application of culturally competent skills. Students will participate in individual and group assignments to encourage the development of cultural competence. Each class will include a lecture, pertinent activity and dialogue.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 516S Strategic Communication and Professional Development 2.0 Credits

The Strategic Communication and Professional Development course is a one semester long class to assist students in developing their academic and professional skills for careers and graduate student in the health sciences. The course will focus on graduate scholarship and interpersonal skill development.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 517S Biological Anthropology 3.0 Credits

This course will examine human adaptation, evolution, and variation. We will discuss evolutionary theory, human genetics, and the evolution of genes. We will also look at the primate kingdom and investigate the living primates, looking at their behavior and evolution. We will learn about human biological diversity and delve into the origins and validity of the race concept. The last portion of the course will be devoted to an in-depth examination of human evolution, starting with the first primates and ending with our species, Homo sapiens.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 518S Human Skeleton 3.0 Credits

This course will examine the developmental, evolutionary, and functional biology of the human skeleton. We will identify bones and teeth from the human skeleton using photographs, 3-D models, and other online resources. This course provides a foundation for bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology, and human evolutionary studies as well as human anatomy.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 520S Molecular & Cellular Bases of Medicine 2.0 Credits

In this course we will delve deeply into the basic molecular & cellular biology that underlies a number of diseases and therapeutic practice. The course will begin with a brief overview of fundamental molecular and cell biology concepts, and continue with a series of units, each focusing on the molecular and cell biological underpinnings of diseases or medical practices. The course will utilize exclusively online sources, including texts. Instructional modes will include live online, problem-based, and small group approaches. Students will be assessed via regular quizzes, group work, exams, and written presentations on specific applications of molecular and cell biology to biomedicine. Knowledge of college-level biology and chemistry will be assumed.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 521S Neurophysiology of the Senses 4.0 Credits

Neurophysiology of the Senses, is a semester‐long, course designed to provide graduate students with a strong foundation in the broad discipline of neuroscience. It is the first in a three-course sequence that will introduce several key themes, such as the structure and function of the nervous system, neuro- and synaptic physiology, the major neurotransmitter systems, sensory physiology, motor systems, drugs and their actions, and neuropharmacology of neural systems.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: MSPP 515S [Min Grade: C]

IHS 522S Enhanced Laboratory Investigation I 2.0 Credits

This course is designed to offer an enhanced research experience to students enrolled in the Laboratory Techniques concentration track of the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (IHSP) Master’s Program. Students will declare their interest in this track at the end of the year 1 Spring term. They will then use the summer semester between years 1 and 2 to develop and formulate their research interests with the help of the Program Director. During this time, students will also investigate potential research opportunities in local laboratories whose research interests parallel those of the student. By the end of the summer semester, students will have chosen a laboratory in which to work, and have begun the process of developing a research project with the primary investigator (PI) of the laboratory.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is IHS.
Prerequisites: IHS 500S [Min Grade: C] and IHS 501S [Min Grade: C] and MSPP 525S [Min Grade: C] and IHS 502S [Min Grade: C]
Corequisites: IHS 507S, IHS 508S

IHS 523S Enhanced Laboratory Investigation II 2.0 Credits

Enhanced Laboratory Investigation I (ELI II) is the second of two courses designed to provide an enhanced laboratory research experience for students interested in pursuing this career option. Successful completion of this course is a requirement for the Laboratory Techniques concentration track of the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Program (IHSP) Master’s degree from Drexel University, College of Medicine. Students will work closely with a Principal Investigator to complete a 1 year hypothesis-driven research project.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is IHS.
Prerequisites: IHS 500S [Min Grade: C] and IHS 501S [Min Grade: C] and MSPP 525S [Min Grade: C] and IHS 502S [Min Grade: C] and IHS 522S [Min Grade: C]
Corequisites: IHS 507S, IHS 508S

IHS 525S Human Nutrition 3.0 Credits

This online course presents the concepts and rationale of nutrition in the context of personal, cultural and world aspects of human nutrition. Students will examine roles of nutrients in health and disease, digestion, diets, eating disorders, and other topics related to nutrition and life cycle stages. While the course has no prerequisites, the scientific rationale is developed with a minimum of assumptions and scientific terminology.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS 900S Registered for Degree Only 0.0 Credits

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

IHS T580S Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Health Science 1.0-10.0 Credit

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit