Medical Science Preparatory


MSPP 505S Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 2.0 Credits

This is a laboratory course that is designed to introduce students to essential concepts, contemporary techniques and procedures used in biochemistry and molecular biology research laboratories.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

MSPP 511S Concepts in Biochemistry and Cell Biology 4.0 Credits

This course introduces structure and function of the major groups of biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates) and essential structures that constitute a cell. Also discussed are basic biochemical and molecular mechanisms/pathways that contribute to homeostasis, such as protein synthesis, cellular energetics, signal transduction, and techniques to study cells and their constituents.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

MSPP 512S Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors in Health and Medicine 3.0 Credits

This course will provide a foundation of information regarding the psychosocial, cultural and behavioral determinants of health and wellness specific to the practice of medicine. Topics will address psychological, sociological and biological concepts from the extant literature and how these concepts relate to best practices and standards of care in health settings.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

MSPP 513S Advanced Human Anatomy 4.0 Credits

This course provides extensive exposure to select organ systems at the gross anatomical, microscopics, and ultrastuctural levels. Structural and functional relationships are considered in depth. The format of the course is slide-show and lecture-based. Please note: this is not a cadaver based dissection course.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

MSPP 515S Advanced Human Physiology 4.0 Credits

Topics covered in this course include: homeostasis, cellular physiology, membrane and neuronal physiology, central and peripheral nervous systems, muscle physiology, cardiac physiology, blood vessels and blood pressure, blood and body defenses, respiratory systems, urinary system, fluid and acid base balance, and the endocrine system.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

MSPP 525S Community Dimensions of Medicine 2.0 Credits

This course introduces students to the community dimensions of medicine in an effort to provide skills and insight that will expand their cultural competence as they move towards a career in healthcare. The curriculum is designed to integrate key principles of health and healthcare inequities with concrete experiences had while volunteering with local health service sites. Students will be challenged to reflect on individual, societal and institutional factors that contribute to their own health as well as their surrounding community. Through a cohort-wide project that consists of planning and managing a health symposium, students will have the opportunity to network with public health researchers and healthcare professionals.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

MSPP 550S Research Project 2.0 Credits

This course involves conducting an independent bench-top, or clinical research project under supervision of an advisor within or outside the university. The research can be conducted at a clinical site, basic science research lab, or as a community project in psychology or public health and requires a minimum time commitment of 80 hrs. Students are expected to identify an advisor and, in conjunction with the advisor, to develop a hypothesis that is to be tested during this 80 hour period. The advisor must have a PhD, MD or DO, or other terminal degree ONLY. Upon completion of the project, students will submit a paper summarizing their project. A grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) will be assigned based upon the completion of the required 80 hours, as evaluated by the advisor, and a paper.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

MSPP T580S Special Topics in Medical Science Preparatory 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit