

PHRM 502S Current Topics in Pharmacology & Physiology 1.0 Credit

Current topics in experimental pharmacology are presented via a journal club alternating with research presentations. In addition to active student participation, all members of the department of pharmacology and physiology (research assistants, postdoctoral fellows and faculty) participate.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

PHRM 503S Pharm & Phys 1st Lab Rotation 4.0 Credits

First rotation. Guided research is conducted on a part-time basis for two or three 8-10 week periods. Rotations are generally conducted during spring or summer of the first year. A written research report is required at the end of each rotation.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 504S Pharm & Phys 2nd Lab Rotation 4.0 Credits

Second rotation. Guided research is conducted on a part-time basis for two or three 8-10 week periods. Rotations are generally conducted during spring or summer of the first year. A written research report is required at the end of each rotation.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 505S Pharm & Phys 3rd Lab Rotation 4.0 Credits

Third rotation. Guided research is conducted on a part-time basis for two or three 8-10 week periods. Rotations are generally conducted during spring or summer of the first year. A written research report is required at the end of each rotation.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 507S Prin of Neuropharmacology 3.0 Credits

This course covers basic concepts in Neuropharmacology, all of the major neurotransmitter systems, behavioral pharmacology and addition, approaches to molecular and cellular physiology including photoactivated biomolecules, electrophysiology, phosphorylation.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 508S Fundamentals in Neuropharmacology 1.5 Credit

This is an interactive and interdisciplinary course that introduces students to fundamental aspects of neuropharmacology. It is devoted to the study of drugs that affect nervous tissue and alter behaviors. The course will give an introduction to pharmacokinetics, receptor binding theory, signal transduction, neurochemical methods, and behavioral pharmacology. This is followed by lectures on individual neurotransmitter systems. The course will be taught at Drexel University College of Medicine.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: IDPT 521 [Min Grade: B] or IDPT 550 [Min Grade: B]

PHRM 512S Graduate Pharmacology 3.0 Credits

This team taught course provides a basic knowledge of the pharmacologic mechanisms of action, effects on organ systems, routes of administration, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic uses, adverse reactions, contraindications, and drug interactions of drugs.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 516S Advanced Topics in Physiology 1.0 Credit

PHRM516S is presented in several formats throughout the semester to discuss cellular physiology, neurophysiology, muscle physiology, cardiovascular physiology, pulmonary physiology, gastrointestinal physiology, endocrinology, and renal physiology. These formats include review of past scientific findings that led to the current understanding of a physiological principle, journal club style format, self-directed problem sheets, development of a working model based on past and present scientific knowledge, and point/counter-point discussions where students debate pros and cons of a controversy in physiology.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Corequisite: PHGY 503S

PHRM 517S Advanced Topics in Pharmacology 1.0 Credit

This course will expand upon the Graduate Pharmacology course for graduate students enrolled in Graduate Pharmacology 512S. The intent is to provide more in-depth coverage of selected topics that will be beneficial to students pursuing a career where pharmacology is a principle component of training, education and/or employment.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Corequisite: PHRM 512S

PHRM 518S New Frontiers in Therapy 1.0 Credit

This course will provide a glimpse of what could revolutionize diagnosis and treatment with emphasis on personalized medicine. Scientific impact, technical challenges, and sociopolitical repercussions will be discussed. Students will be required to write a research proposal in NIH format and are expected to participate in peer review.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 519S Methods in Biomedical Research 2.0 Credits

A primary goal for the course is to introduce students in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies graduate programs to the breadth of techniques used within biomedical research, and thus at their disposal as they progress through their training. In parallel, it is expected that students will gain insight into not only the technical aspects of a variety of methodologies, but also how to critically examine techniques in both their own research and the literature for strengths, weaknesses, caveats and limits. At the end of the course, students should have a greater appreciation for the modalities used outside of their own rotation or dissertation labs, and an understanding of how those technologies are moving bench science forward.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 520S Internship in Drug Discovery and Development 4.0 Credits

The Internship in Drug Discovery and Development provides the student with a unique opportunity to apply the principles and skills learned in the classroom and acquire valuable professional experience and critical insight in a specific field. The internship is integrated into the curriculum such that it complements classroom activities and permits the student to explore an area of interest that they may ultimately pursue as a career path. Students are paired with experienced professionals who supervise their work and act as mentors and advisors. Internships can be arranged with an extensive network of pharmaceutical corporations, biotechnology companies, foundations and universities in the region as well as Drexel University itself.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: PHRM 512S [Min Grade: C] and PHGY 503S [Min Grade: C] and PHRM 525S [Min Grade: C]

PHRM 521S Intensive Internship in Drug Discovery and Development 9.0 Credits

The Intensive Internship in Drug Discovery and Development provides the student with a unique opportunity to apply the principles and skills learned in the classroom and acquire valuable professional experience and critical insight in a specific field. The internship is integrated into the curriculum such that it complements classroom activities and permits the student to explore an area of interest that they may ultimately pursue as a career path. Students are paired with experienced professionals who supervise their work and act as mentors and advisors. Internships can be arranged with an extensive network of pharmaceutical corporations, biotechnology companies, foundations and universities in the region as well as Drexel University itself.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: PHRM 512S [Min Grade: C] and PHGY 503S [Min Grade: C] and PHRM 525S [Min Grade: C]

PHRM 525S Drug Discovery and Development I 3.0 Credits

This course, the first of two, will provide in-depth exposure to the concepts and processes involved in drug discovery and development as practiced in the biopharmaceutical industry cover all facets from target identification through to the submission of the investigational New Drug Application (IND). Current unmet medical needs and case histories from difference therapeutic areas will be reviewed.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 526S Drug Discovery and Development II 3.0 Credits

This course will provide in-depth exposure to the concepts and processes involved in drug discovery and development as practiced in the biopharmaceutical industry. It will follow the first course (Drug Discovery and Development I) and will cover all aspects from roval process to the submission of the NDA to regulatory approval and post-marketing surveillance.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: PHRM 525S [Min Grade: B]

PHRM 527S Current Topics in Drug Discovery and Development 1.0 Credit

This is a student-driven course in a journal club format. Students select journal articles or news reports that highlight recent discoveries or developments that are particularly important or relevant to the field of drug discovery and development. Topics for presentation and discussion will include scientific, technical, commercial, legal, regulatory, and ethical issues as well as in-depth case studies of recently developed blockbuster or breakthrough drugs. Students will prepare and give presentations on their chosen topic, provide discussion prompts, answer questions related to their presentations, review the presentations of other students and pose relevant questions.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

PHRM 528S Drug Development Strategy & Planning 3.0 Credits

This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the concepts, processes and disciplines involved in drug development. It will explore the strategic choices associated with the clinical, regulatory, and manufacturing steps of the development process and their integration with financial and commercial considerations. The entire process of drug development from IND enabling studies to approval and marketing will be covered. This course will include in-depth discussions and practical exercises designed to provide practical insight into the decision-making process associated with the most critical steps in drug development.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: PHRM 525S [Min Grade: B] and PHRM 526S [Min Grade: B]

PHRM 600S Pharmacology Thesis Research 9.0 Credits

Research toward the fulfillment of the dissertation is conducted beginning after successful completion of the qualifying examination. Progress is monitored by the student's advisor and department, Advisory Committee or Thesis Committee.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

PHRM 602S Research Methods in Pharmacology 2.0 Credits

A research course in which the student participates in several research projects under the direction of different staff members in order to become familiar with the specific areas of expertise of the faculty. This course emphasizes not only experimental methods but also the conceptual bases for investigating current problems in pharmacology.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 605S Research in Drug Discovery and Development 4.0 Credits

This course is designed to provide opportunities for the student to pursue research in the area of drug discovery and development. This can be done either in an academic or pharmaceutical laboratory under the supervision of a mentor. An alternative or an additional aspect can be the conduct of research for this thesis that is not laboratory research but library research based on an approved topic for the thesis requirement. Bother alternatives, laboratory or library research must be approved by the course directors.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 3 times for 16 credits

PHRM 610S Practicum in Drug Discovery and Development 4.0 Credits

This course prepares students for transition into or advancement in the field of drug discovery and development and can be used as the basis for the scholarly document that is required for completion of the program. It consists of an independent project that involves in-depth exposure to a specific topic that is relevant to a discipline in drug discovery and development that the student wishes to pursue in the future. The training consists of hands-on research or development of technical expertise under the guidance of a mentor who has experience in the field.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 2 times for 12 credits


College/Department: College of Medicine
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit


College/Department: College of Medicine
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 0 times for 0 credits


College/Department: College of Medicine
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit


College/Department: College of Medicine
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

PHRM 999S Special Topics in Pharmacology & Physiology 1.0-4.0 Credit

This is a special topics course that will focus on graduate level topics in the area of Pharmacology & Physiology. The exact content, readings, and grading will be determined by the professor on a course by course basis.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 3 times for 16 credits

PHRM T580S Special Topics in Pharmacology 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

PHRM T680S Special Topics in Pharmacology 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: COM School of Biomedical Sciences & Professional Studies
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit