Design MS

Major: Design
Degree Awarded: Master of Science in Design
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 48.0
Co-op Option: None
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 11.0105
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 04.0401

About the Program

The Drexel MS Design is an innovative, interdisciplinary, and distinguished evidence-based design program that will help you become a design leader in the 21st-century workplace.

Students work across multiple sectors in service design, market research, and product development to learn an evidence-based approach with a set of core design competencies taught in this program. We have studio and seminar options available to suit your experience needs. Created to serve students across all design disciplines, creatives, and those looking to make a career change, our program is a self-tailored yet structured and guided design program. This engagement-oriented program includes extensive coursework in social interest design, design-led strategy, and future-oriented technologies, preparing you to be an integral part of a development team in the design industry. Students in the program produce evidence-based thesis projects that are published through Pro-Quest Dissertations upon completion of their degree.

College and Curriculum:

The MS in Design program is part of the nationally-ranked Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, housed in award-winning, technologically enhanced facilities and taught by faculty who have worked at the top of their fields. Situated in the Department of Architecture, Design & Urbanism, the program benefits from its associations with faculty and students in the Interior Architecture & Design and Urban Strategy graduate programs; students are also taught and advised by faculty from product, graphics, and public health. The program provides a forum for students to pursue projects within design, technology, social impact, community, environmental design, and health. This flexible program operates with a core curriculum that is built on and augmented by a customized set of electives and the three-term thesis sequence. The curriculum, though self-directed, is grounded in real-life problems, research, studio class work, problem definition, and iterative making.

This 48-credit STEM-designated program can be taken either full or part-time; we offer a range of coursework to suit all schedules, including those with full-time work commitments. With over forty successful Alumni, our diverse range of current and past self-developed student topics include circular design, assistive technologies, mental health services, shelter systems, artificial intelligence, blockchain for human uses, services for sustainable living, and healthy service, space, and product development. The program includes making, research, fabrication, collaboration, and human-centered design thinking.


Students from this program work as service designers, product developers, research strategists, market researchers, and research coordinators. Our Alumni are in mid-level and higher positions in the financial, fashion, beauty, product, utility, higher education, and built environment sectors, to name a few. Alumni from our program work across multiple industries, in complex settings, with interdisciplinary teams. Students in our MS Design Program are specifically educated and challenged in evidence-based design and strategy across diverse contexts. All are exposed to various research and design practices through multiple real-life collaborations with academic and professional partners. 

Additional Information

For more information, please contact the Design Program Director D. S. Nicholas

Admission Requirements

Undergraduate baccalaureate degree in or related to design.

Additional Information

For more information, visit the Graduate Admissions webpage.

Degree Requirements

Core Requirements
DSRE 620Design Problem Solving3.0
DSRE 625Technologies of Making3.0
DSRE 630Data Visualization for Design Professionals3.0
DSRE 635Translational Design Research3.0
DSRE 641Contemporary Design Theory3.0
DSRE 645Design Research Thesis Proposal3.0
DSRE 650Thesis Research and Practicum3.0
DSRE 750Thesis in Design Research I3.0
DSRE 760Thesis in Design Research II3.0
DSRE 770Thesis in Design Research III3.0
Design History or Research Option
Select one of the following: *3.0
History of Modern Design
Research Methods in Communication, Culture and Media
Research Methods and Assessment of Creative and Innovative Thinking
Research Methods I
Contemporary Art Issues
Electives **15.0
Total Credits48.0

Or other course with advisor approval


Select 15.0 credits from 500-600 level courses, including I599, I699, T580, T680, in AS-I, CRTV, DIGM, DSRE, ENTP, ENVS, EPI, FASH, IDM, INFO, PBHL, RMER

Sample Plan of Study

Full-time Sample Plan of Study

First Year
DSRE 6203.0DSRE 6303.0DSRE 6413.0VACATION
DSRE 6253.0DSRE 6353.0DSRE 6453.0 
Design History or Research Option3.0Elective3.0DSRE 6503.0 
 9 9 9 0
Second Year
DSRE 7503.0DSRE 7603.0DSRE 770*3.0 
 9 9 3 
Total Credits 48

Note: This term is less than the 4.5-credit minimum required (considered half-time status) of graduate programs to be considered financial aid eligible. As a result, aid will not be disbursed to students this term.

Part-time Sample Plan of Study

First Year (Part-Time)
DSRE 6203.0DSRE 6303.0DSRE 6453.0Electives6.0
DSRE 6253.0DSRE 6353.0DSRE 6503.0 
 6 6 6 6
Second Year (Part-Time)
DSRE 7503.0DSRE 7603.0DSRE 6413.0Elective3.0
Elective3.0Elective3.0DSRE 7703.0Design History or Research Option3.0
 6 6 6 6
Total Credits 48

Program Level Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an innovative and creative approach to problem solving as it relates to diverse research scenarios in the design research field
  • Formulate an expressed and observable research strategy
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of variety of design and research experiences, approaches and viewpoints
  • Display a sensitivity to social, cultural, ethical and environmental values through knowledge and application of design research
  • Critically analyze their own work and academic research literature with respect to the global impacts and experimental design research
  • Use divergent and convergent thinking to generate novel and relevant ideas, strategies, approaches and outcomes in research
  • Distinguish larger, complex societal forces and systems that affect design directions, trends and public policy

Design & Merchandising Faculty

Christine Baeza, MLD (Penn State University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Ethics, social entrepreneurship sustainability, design thinking, brand and merchandising management, textiles, textile designs and the circular economy.
Nick Cassway, BFA (Tyler School of Art). Associate Teaching Professor. Curating; experimental portraiture; computer design.
Maureen DeSimone, MBA (Colorado State University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Sales, brand and portfolio strategy, merchandising, new business startups, revenue and profit growth, team building, and leadership.
Joseph H. Hancock, II, PhD (Ohio State University) Retail & Merchandising Program Director. Professor. Apparel merchandising, retail operations, brand culture, GLBTQIA lifestyles and marketing fashion strategies.
Rachel Higgins, MS (LIM College). Instructor. Fashion sustainability, textiles, entrepreneurship, fashion presentation and show production.
Matthew Higgins, MFA (PA Academy of Fine Arts). Adjunct Instructor. Design foundations, Adobe Creative Suite, color and painting.
Alison Katz, MS (New York University). Adjunct Instructor. Multichannel buying and planning, digital strategy, site merchandising, and category content management.
Alphonso McClendon, MS (Drexel University) Associate Program Director. Associate Professor. Sourcing strategies for the apparel and textile industry, fashion business practice and entrepreneurship, merchandise operations and management, retail analytics and digital design.
Kimberly McGlonn, PhD (Louisiana State University). Instructor. Founder & CEO Grant Blvd ®
Dominic Monte, Grad Cert (Villanova University). Adjunct Instructor. Digital design, branding and creative communication.