The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
Mission Statement
The mission of the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems is to educate and empower the next generations of diverse biomedical innovators through interdisciplinary research, design-thinking, and immersive learning to equitably transform the future of health and humanity.
The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems is a nationally recognized center for research in biomedical engineering and science. The School offers multidisciplinary instruction on a full- and part-time basis at the graduate level and full-time instruction at the undergraduate level. The faculty includes individuals with engineering, physics, mathematics, biostatistics, life science, medical and clinical specialties. Multidisciplinary and translational research is carried out through collaboration among Drexel University faculty members and with medical schools and hospitals in the Philadelphia area.
The School offers MS programs in biomedical engineering, integrated biomedical engineering and business, biomedical science and bioinformatics. PhD programs are offered in biomedical engineering and biomedical science. Areas of specialization available include biomaterials and tissue engineering, neuroengineering, pediatric engineering, advanced therapies, biosensors and devices, biomedical imaging, biostatistics, genome science, systems biology, biomechanics, human factors and performance engineering.
The School offers certificate programs in bioinformatics, medical product design, neurotechnologies and neurosystems, and tissue engineering for professionals continuing their education.
About the School
The vision of the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems (the School) is to accelerate its role as the University's incubator for developing cutting-edge programs that enhance the University's position as a national leader in education and research. The School is a leader at Drexel University, regionally, and nationally in research and translation of discoveries that impact human health and well-being. It engages students across Drexel's campus in a unique combination of cooperative (Co-op) and experiential learning, multi-disciplinary research, entrepreneurship and international exposure. Faculty and students within School possess a spirit of innovation that is built on a deep understanding of fundamental scientific principles; hand-on experience both in the laboratory and in service to others; and recognition of the synergistic impact that occurs through partnerships, globally and locally, with industry, academia, policymakers, clinicians and social-service providers. The School will cultivate "Renaissance Biomedical Scientists and Engineers" who adapt easily to changing technologies, environments and problems.
The School's areas of academic thrust, both in research and education, are at the forefront of biosensing, bioimaging, bioinformation engineering and integrated bioinformatics, drug delivery, biomedical ultrasound & optics, bionanotechnology, cellular tissue engineering, neuroengineering and human performance. The School's multidisciplinary programs are built around a core curriculum with research opportunities in specialized areas. The core curriculum provides the technical and analytical training students need to apply their engineering skills or knowledge of the life sciences to current problems in biology and medicine. Various units at Drexel, such as the College of Engineering, the Dornsife School of Public Health, and the College of Arts and Sciences offer courses relevant to graduate students in biomedical engineering and biomedical science.
Metropolitan Philadelphia has one of the nation’s highest concentrations of medical institutions and pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and systems industry. The School has forged strategic partnerships with select universities, research institutes, health care institutions and industries in the region. The School enjoys a close working relationship with Drexel's College of Medicine as well as alliances with prominent medical institutions in the region to develop joint research and educational programs. These include University of Pennsylvania, Thomas Jefferson University, the Fox Chase Cancer Center and the Wistar Institute. These collaborative initiatives provide students with ample opportunities in basic and clinical research as well as innovative academic programs.
The School maintains extensive facilities and laboratories devoted to areas of research. Visit the School's BIOMED Research Facilities webpage for more details about the laboratories and equipment available.
Applicants to the graduate program must meet the requirements for admission to graduate studies at Drexel University. Candidates for degrees in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems are required to maintain academics standards applicable to all graduate students at Drexel University.
Program Objectives
The overall objective of the graduate programs offered by the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems is to provide multidisciplinary curricula with an instructional core and research opportunities for students. Graduate biomedical engineering students are typically individuals with undergraduate degrees in engineering, physical sciences, or mathematics. The core curriculum provides the necessary training in life and medical sciences, modeling and simulation, and biomedical engineering applications to allow students to apply their engineering skills and perspective to solve current problems in biology and medicine. Areas in which students may focus their advanced studies and research attention include biomechanics and biomaterials, cellular and tissue engineering, biomedical sensing and imaging, human factors and performance engineering, neuroengineering, and bioinformatics. Students without an academic background in engineering or physical science who wish to enter the biomedical engineering program may enroll in the Crossover Program.
The core courses in the Biomedical Science program are designed to educate life-science students in quantitative analysis, mathematical modeling, systems analysis, and fundamental computational and informatics skills. Students are then encouraged to combine their knowledge of the life sciences with their newly acquired analytical skills to focus in such areas as tissue engineering and/or bioinformatics.
An agreement with the Drexel College of Medicine allows students to spend one year taking courses at the College of Medicine and their second year at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems—leading to a master's degree in Medical Science.
The School also offers an integrated master's degree in biomedical engineering and business, a collaboration with the LeBow College of Business and the Close School of Entrepreneurship, which offers early-career engineers a tech-savvy alternative to an MBA. Through this cross-disciplinary approach, students are able to acquire the advanced knowledge and skills necessary for graduate-level research and career specialization.
Programs are revised regularly to met industry needs. For the most up-to-date list, please visit the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems Graduate Admissions webpage.
Admission Requirements
Acceptance for graduate study at Drexel's School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems requires a four-year bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in the United States or equivalent international institution. Regular acceptance requires a minimal cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) on a 4.0 scale for the last two years of undergraduate work, and for any graduate level work undertaken.
Drexel's School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems normally requires a TOEFL score of at least 260. Verbal, analytical, and quantitative scores on the GRE General Test are recommended for admission and are required for financial assistantship consideration.
The School practices a rolling admissions policy. Students are able to apply at any term during the year, but students are encouraged to matriculate in the fall to ensure proper sequence of coursework.
In addition to the School's requirements, students must satisfy the requirements of the Office of Research and Graduate Studies in matters such as academic standing, thesis, examinations, and time limits.
Financial Assistance
Financial support for qualified students pursuing studies toward the MS and PhD degrees is available in the form of research assistantships, teaching assistantships, graduate assistantships, and fellowships.
Dean's Fellowships are available for outstanding applicants to the School's Master programs and are renewable depending on the student's academic performance. Fellowship applicants must be seeking full-time study only at the master's level. Other requirements include a GPA of 3.5 or better in the student's bachelor's program and submission of GRE scores. For international students, a TOEFL score of 260 or better is required. For more information regarding international applicant requirements, view the International Students Admission Information page.
Calhoun Graduate Assistantships are supported by the School's Calhoun Endowment and are available to outstanding applicants to the PhD program. To be considered for a fellowship, students must submit GRE scores along with all their application materials. The application deadline is February 28 for the following academic year.
For further assistance, students should contact the Office of Graduate Admissions.
All applicants will automatically be considered for departmental assistantships. There is no additional paperwork to apply. Applicants interested in graduate assistantships must submit GRE scores. These awards are based on academic merit.
About Graduate Co-op
Drexel University’s long tradition in the field of experiential learning has now been extended into many of its master’s programs in science, business, and engineering.
This option, called Graduate Co-op, provides students with the opportunity to gain work experience directly related to their career goals while earning academic credit. Students who have earned a minimum of 24.0 credits with a GPA of at least 3.0 are eligible to participate. Employment typically lasts six months, during which students enroll in a special 3.0 credit GCP course coinciding with their term of employment. Students gain work experience while earning salaries. It is important to note that the GCP program does not guarantee a job. It is a market-driven process for the candidates as well as employers. GCP provides the tools and contacts; the student must qualify for the job on the basis of merit, qualifications, and skills.
Further information on the GCP program is available at the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center.