Graduate Minor in Global and International Education

About the Graduate Minor

The Global and International Education graduate minor is designed as an introduction to the field, providing students with the skills and knowledge to work effectively and demonstrate leadership within the complex economic, political, cultural, and social contexts that influence education and learning in diverse parts of the world. The program seeks to build knowledge about education as one of several interacting sectors of society and analyzes the role of education systems within and among different countries of the world.

Admission Requirements

Students wishing to pursue the Global and International Education (GIE) graduate minor must:

  • Be a Drexel University graduate student in good standing
  • Complete the Graduate College's Change of Curriculum and Status Form

Program Requirements

Required courses
EDGI 503Global, International & Comparative Education3.0
EDGI 510Culture, Society & Education in Comparative Perspective3.0
EDGI 522Education for Global Citizenship, Sustainability, and Social Justice3.0
Total Credits12.0

* The elective course is intended to enhance the student's plan of study and support individual goals in the GIE program. The elective course can be selected from School of Education course offerings, or from other Drexel University departments/programs such as International Business Administration, Foreign Languages, Women's and Gender Studies, or Science/Technology/Society. Students are encouraged to consult the advisor when considering elective options.

Additional Information

For more information, visit the School of Education's Global and International Education webpage.