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BIO 110 Biological Diversity, Ecology and Evolution Laboratory 1.0 Credit

A companion course to BIO 109 that provides a hands on exploration of the diversity of life including microbes, plants and animals as well as the processes that give rise to this diversity. The labs also provide practical exploration of the impacts of human beings on the planet.

College/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if major is BIO
Corequisite: BIO 109

Materials Science and Engineering BSMSE

...electronic, optical, nano- and bio-compatible materials. Materials...GE): ECON 201 , ACCT 110 , OPM 200 , ORGB...

Biomedical Engineering BSBE

...including INFO 101 , INFO 110 ), CS (including CS...requisite for BMES 421 . * BIO 462 is a...