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BIO 256 Vertebrate Morphology and Physiology 3.0 Credits

Provides comparative study of the major vertebrate groups, relationships between physiology and organismal structure, evolutionary history, comparative anatomy, and development.

College/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman
Prerequisites: BIO 224 [Min Grade: D] or ENVS 212 [Min Grade: D]

Physics BS any course in BIO, CHEM, ENVS, GEO...s, 64 cores/server, 256 GB RAM/server...

Physics MS 2022. Biophysics Facilities: Bio-manipulation and microscopy...s, 64 cores/server, 256 GB RAM/server...

Physics PhD 2022. Biophysics Facilities: Bio-manipulation and microscopy...s, 64 cores/server, 256 GB RAM/server...