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BLAW 320 Information Privacy, Data and the Law 4.0 Credits

As technological advances continue to evolve, companies are often left to wonder what obligations they have to protect privacy. With the additional threats to privacy, legislatures and the courts are increasingly looking to protect personal data. This course will examine aspects of the evolving world of privacy and the law, including issues surrounding personal data of all forms (consumer, financial and biometric data; employment, health, education, social media and government records). Foundational privacy concepts and principles will be discussed, comparing the approaches to privacy domestically and abroad. At the end of the course, students will understand the core components of privacy, the cultural and legal variations in privacy law, and operational protections companies should give to privacy issues.

College/Department: LeBow College of Business
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

International Business BSBA

...students also take a 320 or 420 language...Management, (INTB) International Business, (BLAW) Business Law, (MGMT...

Software Engineering BSSE

...210 , CT 200 , CT 320 , CT 330 Science...Business electives : any ACCT, BLAW, BUSN, ECON, ENTP...