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COM 210 Theory and Models of Communication 3.0 Credits

Surveys historical and contemporary attempts to understand the process of human communication, using examples from the literature of interpersonal, group, organizational, and mass communication.

College/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman

Fashion Industry & Merchandising BS AFAS, ARTH, ARCH, COM, DANC, ENGL, FMST...Social Science electives: SOC 210 , SOC 215 , SOC...

Biological Sciences BS

...AFAS, ARBC, CHIN, CJS, COM, FREN, GER, GREC...285 , HIST 290 , HSAD 210 , HSAD 328 , HSAD...

Biological Sciences BS / Epidemiology MS

...AFAS, ARBC, CHIN, CJS, COM, FREN, GER, HBRW...285 , HIST 290 , HSAD 210 , HSAD 328 , HSAD...

Software Engineering BSSE

...a well as CT 210 , CT 200 , CT...ARCH, ARTH, CMGT, CJS, COM, CULA, DANC, EDEX...