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CS 260 Data Structures 4.0 Credits

Data structures form the basis for the programmer's toolbox. Students will become familiar with the basic data structures and learn to modify or create on their own. Additionally, they will learn several algorithms that use these data structures in solving common problems such as searching and sorting, that involve sequentially, pairwise, or hierarchically related data. Further, students will learn data abstraction, how to separate interface from implementation, and viewing a problem simply in terms of functional requirements and dependencies. Throughout the course, students will develop abstract thinking and problem-solving skills.

College/Department: College of Computing and Informatics
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: CS 265 [Min Grade: C]

Computer Science BS / Computer Science MS

Major: Computer Science Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science (BS) and Master of Science (MS) Calendar Type: Quarter Minimum Required Credits: 225.5 Co-op Options:  One Co-op (Five years) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code:   11.0701 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-3021

Computer Science BA

Major: Computer Science Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (BACS) Calendar Type: Quarter Minimum Required Credits: 187.0 Co-op Options:  Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 11.0701 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code:   11-3021; 15-1111; 15-1131; 15-1132; 11-1199

Electrical Engineering BS / Electrical Engineering MS

...General Education Requirements *** Choose one of CS 260 , CS 265 , or ECE 350 + 2 classes...

Software Engineering BSSE

...electives : any non-required CS, INFO, SE course...VSCM, VSST, WRIT, GMAP 260 , ANIM 140 , ANIM...