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CS 303 Algorithmic Number Theory and Cryptography 3.0 Credits

Covers fundamental algorithms for integer arithmetic, greatest common divisor calculation, modular arithmetic, and other number theoretic computations. Algorithms are derived, implemented and analyzed for primality testing and integer factorization. Applications to cryptography are explored including symmetric and public-key cryptosystems. A cryptosystem will be implemented and methods of attack investigated.

College/Department: College of Computing and Informatics
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: CS 260 [Min Grade: C] and (MATH 221 [Min Grade: C] or MATH 222 [Min Grade: C]) and (MATH 201 [Min Grade: C] or ENGR 231 [Min Grade: D])

Fashion Industry & Merchandising BS

...and Humanities electives: ENGL 303 , ENGL 335 , AFAS, ANTH, CJS, CS, ECON, ENSS, ENVS...