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CS 314 Computing in the Small 3.0 Credits

Explores the technologies and techniques associated with microcontrollers and Systems on Chips (SOCs) as well as their use in embedded systems. A major focus is on developing software to control input and output devices.

College/Department: College of Computing and Informatics
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: CS 283 [Min Grade: C]

Environmental Engineering BSENE

...BMES, CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CS, ECE, ECEP, ECEE...or PBHL 305 , PBHL 314 , PBHL 317 , PBHL...

Environmental Engineering BS/MS

...BMES, CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CS, ECE, ECEP, ECEE...or PBHL 305, PBHL 314, PBHL 317, PBHL...