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CS 370 Operating Systems 3.0 Credits

Explores the internal algorithms and structures of operating systems: CPU scheduling, memory management, file systems, and device management. Considers the operating system as a collection of cooperating sequential processes (servers) providing an extended or virtual machine that is easier to program than the underlying hardware. Topics include virtual memory, input/output devices, disk request scheduling, deadlocks, file allocation, and security and protection.

College/Department: College of Computing and Informatics
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman
Prerequisites: CS 283 [Min Grade: C] or ECEC 353 [Min Grade: D]

Chemical Engineering BSCHE / Chemical Engineering MSCHE

...CAE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, CT, ECE, ECEC...I399 , CHE T480 , ENGR 370 , or courses approved...

Chemical Engineering BSCHE

...CAEE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, CT, ECE, ECEC...I399 , CHE T480 , ENGR 370 , or courses approved...