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CS 380 Artificial Intelligence 3.0 Credits
Explores the foundations of artificial intelligence: production systems, heuristic programming, knowledge representation, and search algorithms. Also covers programming in an AI language. Additional topics chosen from game theory, decision support systems, pattern matching and recognition, image understanding, natural language, fuzzy and non-monotonic logic, machine learning, theorem proving, and common sense reasoning.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman
Prerequisites: CS 260 [Min Grade: C] and CS 270 [Min Grade: C]
Minor in Human Computer Interaction
...250 For CS majors: CS 341 CS 342 CS 345 CS 380 CS 375 * An...
Chemical Engineering BSCHE
...CAEE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, CT, ECE, ECEC...SE, or CHE 399-380, CHE I399 , CHE...
Computer Engineering BSCE / Computer Engineering MSCE
...CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, ECE, ECEC, ECEE...ECE 371 , or ECE 380 + ECE Electives: 2...
Computer Engineering BSCE / Electrical Engineering MSEE
...CHE, CHEM, CIVE, CMGT, CS, ECE, ECEC, ECEE...ECE 371 , or ECE 380 + 2 classes or...