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ECON 240 Economics of Health Care Systems 4.0 Credits

Examine the health care industry from an economic perspective, including demand, cost-benefit analysis, insurance, supply constraints, and the role of the government.

College/Department: LeBow College of Business
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

Economic Analysis BAECON / Business Administration MBA

Major: Economics and Business Administration Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BAECON) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) Calendar Type: Quarter Minimum Required Credits: 229.0 Co-op Options:  One Co-op (Five years) BS Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 45.0601 BS Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 19-3011 MBA Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 52.0201 MBA Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 11-1021

Fashion Industry & Merchandising BS

...AFAS, ANTH, CJS, CS, ECON, ENSS, ENVS, PSI...210 , SOC 215 , SOC 240 , SOC 340 , SOC...