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ECON 250 Game Theory and Applications 4.0 Credits

Introduces the basic ideas of game theory with a minimum of mathematics; and discuses application to economics, politics, business, behavioral science, philosophy, population biology and engineering.

College/Department: LeBow College of Business
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: STAT 201 [Min Grade: C] or STAT 205 [Min Grade: C] or MATH 107 [Min Grade: C] or MATH 310 [Min Grade: C] or MATH 311 [Min Grade: C]

Behavioral Economics, Business, and Organizations BS

Major:  Behavioral Economics, Business, and Organizations Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science (BS) Calendar Type: Quarter Minimum Required Credits: 180.0 Co-op Options:   Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years); No Co-op (Four years) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code:  45.0603 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code:  15-2051

Fashion Industry & Merchandising BS

...AFAS, ANTH, CJS, CS, ECON, ENSS, ENVS, PSI...205 , ENTP 209 , ENTP 250 , ENTP 375 , DSMR...