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EDUC 315 Secondary Science Teaching Methods 3.0 Credits

Methods for teaching middle and secondary school science are explored including strategies and technologies to support student learning as defined by the state and national science standards. Inquiry-based model of learning and assessment emphasized. Theory and practice bridged to provide hands-on experiences in application of constructivist learning theory and effective classroom experiences. This course has a Stage 3 field component, successful completion of the field component is required for recommendation for certification. See SoE Field Placement Office website for all clearance policy and stage 3 field experience requirements.

College/Department: School of Education
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

Minor in STEM Education

This minor can be coupled with a variety of STEM majors. It will provide an opportunity to explore STEM education and to develop core knowledge and practices in secondary STEM education. Successful STEM Education minor candidates may build upon the minor's coursework which leads to recommendation for Pennsylvania teaching certification as a secondary teacher (grades 7-12) in one or more STEM content areas. Additional coursework for teacher certification includes student teaching and requires Special Education and English Language Learner courses (an additional 2 courses + student teaching).

Entertainment & Arts Management BS

...Program Our Goal Further Education Opportunitites Dual Degree...COM, DANC 215 , DANC 315 , FMST, ENGL 111...

Information Systems BSIS Information Systems Program Educational Objectives BS in...Database Management Systems INFO 315 Advanced Database Management...

DragonsTeach Certification Minor

...419 Teaching Secondary Mathematics 3.0 or EDUC 315 Secondary Science Teaching Methods or ESTM...

Biological Sciences BS

...353 , HSCI 125 , HSCI 315 , PBHL 301 , PBHL...Students pursuing careers in education, where a wider...

Minor in Philosophy

...broaden and enhance your education and help you...and Information Technology PHIL 315 Engineering Ethics PHIL...

Biological Sciences BS / Epidemiology MS

...353 , HSCI 125 , HSCI 315 , PBHL 301 , PBHL...Students pursuing careers in education, where a wider...