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EDUC 850 Foundations of Research in Education 3.0 Credits

Introduces students to the process of educational research. Although all the components of the process of designing and conducting research will be introduced in this course, the focus will be on understanding the difference between the paradigms underlying quantitative and qualitative educational research, the respective underlying assumptions and worldviews. The course (a) emphasizes qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches and paradigms underlying those approaches; (b) introduces students to ethical implications of research; (c) enables students to become more effective consumers of research; (d) prepares students for subsequent and related courses; (e) proves a foundation for students to be able to conduct original research that may lead to the doctoral dissertation.

College/Department: School of Education
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

Nursing PhD

...reflect a diversity of educational backgrounds and research...plan of study. ** NURS 850 is required for...