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ENGR 370 Vertically Integrated Projects 0.0-4.0 Credits

The Vertically-Integrated Projects (VIP) Program will operate in a research and development context. Undergraduate students who join VIP teams will earn academic credit for their participation in design/discovery efforts that assist faculty and graduate students with research and development issues in their areas of expertise. Permission of the instructor required.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 9 times for 40 credits

Civil Engineering BSCIV

Major: Civil Engineering Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCIV) Calendar Type: Quarter Minimum Required Credits: 189.5 Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0801 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2051

Chemical Engineering BSCHE

...CHE 399-380, CHE I399 , CHE T480 , ENGR 370 , or courses approved by CHE advisor...

Computer Engineering BSCE / Computer Engineering MSCE

...ECEP, ECES, ECET, EGMT, ENGR, ENVE, ET, MATE...of the following: ECE 370 , ECE 371 , or...