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ENVS 201 Practical Identification of Plants and Animals 2.0 Credits

This course provides instruction and hands on experience in using print and online taxonomic keys, field guides and reference collections of real specimens for identification of plants, animals and fungi. The emphasis is on the flora and fauna of the Philadelphia region and learning how to use identification tools in the field and lab. The main objective is to have students understand the importance of accurate identification of organisms and to develop basic knowledge and skills that can be extended and applied to organisms widely.

College/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ENVS.
Prerequisites: BIO 124 [Min Grade: D] or BIO 132 [Min Grade: D]

Entertainment & Arts Management BS

...ANTH, CJS, ECON, ENSS, ENVS 260 , PBHL, PSCI...students should take STAT 201 and FIN 301...

Biomedical Engineering BSBE is shown here: ENVS, PHYS, INFO (including...for BMES 460 * PHYS 201 is a pre...