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ENVS 212 Evolution 4.0 Credits

Aspects of the fact of evolution are discussed in class, including early evolutionary thought, pivotal moments in the history of life, and evidences for evolution from fossils, genetics, and living organisms. Key concepts include natural selection, speciation, adaptation, vicariance, inclusive fitness, and evodevo. Non-scientific arguments pertaining to evolution are refuted.

College/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: BIO 100 [Min Grade: D] or BIO 101 [Min Grade: D] or BIO 107 [Min Grade: D] or BIO 109 [Min Grade: D] or BIO 124 [Min Grade: D] or BIO 132 [Min Grade: D] or BIO 141 [Min Grade: D]

Biological Sciences BS

...options include BIO 212 , ENGL 300 [ WI ] , ENGL 302 , ENGL 370 , ENVS 260 , HIST 285...

Computer Science BSCS

...PHYS 131 & PHYS 181 ]), ENVS (100-499), ENSS...141 , ANIM 211 , ANIM 212 Computer Science Concentrations...

Computer Science BA

...PHYS 131 & PHYS 181 ]); ENVS (100-499), ENSS...141 , ANIM 211 , ANIM 212 Business electives: any...

Computer Science BS / Computer Science MS

...PHYS 131 & PHYS 181 ]), ENVS (100-499), ENSS...141 , ANIM 211 , ANIM 212 Computer Science Concentrations...

Software Engineering BSSE

...131 and PHYS 181 ), ENVS, ENSS, PHEV. Business...141 , ANIM 211 , ANIM 212 , and Foreign Language...