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INTB 336 International Money and Finance 4.0 Credits

Examines major issues in international finance and open-economy macroeconomics. Develops models of international monetary interdependence and applies them to real-world examples. Covers determinants of interest rates, balance of payments, international macro policy, restructuring the international monetary system, and globalization of financial markets.

College/Department: LeBow College of Business
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman
Prerequisites: ECON 201 [Min Grade: C] and ECON 202 [Min Grade: C]

Entertainment & Arts Management BS / Business Administration MBA

...331 , MUSC 333 , MUSC 336 , MUSC 338 [ WI...Business (INDS), International Business (INTB), Legal Studies (BLAW...