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MEM 371 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering I 2.0 Credits

Introduces the fundamental scientific, technical, social and ethical issues in nuclear engineering; nuclear reactions and readiation, radiation protection and control, nuclear energy production and utilization, nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear materials, controlled fusion and thermonuclear plasma systems, basics of plasma physics and plasma chemistry, nuclear waste management, nuclear reactor safety, analysis of severe nuclear accidents, risk assessment and related issues of engineering ethics.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: PHYS 201 [Min Grade: D] and (ENGR 210 [Min Grade: D] or CHE 206 [Min Grade: D])

Computer Engineering BSCE / Computer Engineering MSCE

...ENVE, ET, MATE, MATH, MEM, OPR, PHYS, PROJ...following: ECE 370 , ECE 371 , or ECE 380...