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MUSC 117 Rock Ensemble 0-1 Credits

Rock Ensemble is an ensemble where students have the opportunity to gain experience working as a group rehearsing, arranging, organizing, recording, and ultimately performing songs in the rock/pop/contemporary genres. By choosing music that is both of high quality and varied, students have a unique opportunity to develop a strong work ethic while being exposed to various musical challenges.

College/Department: Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts Design
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

The Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design

...Greek, Turkish, Arabic and Hebrew.. Rock Ensemble ( MUSC 117 ) Greg Wright, Director A small combo...

Economic Analysis BAECON

...Languages, English (ENGL), Music (MUSC), Philosophy (PHIL), Religious...the MATH 116 & MATH 117 sequence may need...