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MUSC 121 Music Theory I 3.0 Credits

MUSC 121 covers the foundations of: notation, major/minor scales and keys, intervals, chord construction, phrase construction, small forms, and basic techniques of harmonizing a melody. The methodology centers on analysis combined with application.

College/Department: Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts Design
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

Economic Analysis BAECON

...MATH 121 ; MATH 116 & MATH 117 ; MATH 121...Languages, English (ENGL), Music (MUSC), Philosophy (PHIL), Religious...

Westphal Studies Program BS

...JWST, LANG, LING, MENA, MUSC, PHIL, PHTO, PPE...101 , MATH 119 , MATH 121 ) and one course...