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OPR 320 Linear Models for Decision Making 4.0 Credits

Applies modeling and mathematical techniques to complex decision problems in business, with a focus on deterministic systems. Covers linear programming, integer programming, goal programming and networks.

College/Department: LeBow College of Business
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: MATH 102 [Min Grade: D] or MATH 122 [Min Grade: D]

International Business BSBA

...students also take a 320 or 420 language...Marketing, (OPM) Operations Management, (OPR) Operations Research, (ORGB...

Software Engineering BSSE

...210 , CT 200 , CT 320 , CT 330 Science...MGMT, MIS, MKTG, OPM, OPR, ORGB, STAT, TAX...