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PHTO 225 Looking at Photographs 3.0 Credits

Millions of photographic images are produced every day. How do we sort through all those images and make sense of them? This course investigates the many ways photographs inform culture, as well as the means with which culture influences the images we create and absorb every day. We examine common themes and techniques that are used in all aspects of contemporary photography and investigate their origins. The course challenges and sharpens each student's ability to read photographs, greatly enhancing their visual literacy.

College/Department: Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts Design
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

Psychology BS / Psychology MS

...Quarter Minimum Required Credits: 225.0 Co-op...requirement ARTH, DANC, MUSC, PHTO, THTR, and VSST...

Computer Science BS / Computer Science MS

...Quarter Minimum Required Credits: 225.5 Co-op...499), PHIL (100-499), PHTO (100-499), THTR...