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PHTO 492 Senior Thesis in Photography I 3.0 Credits

Integrates the technical and conceptual understandings that the student has acquired in photography through development of a personally defined photographic project. Students will meet in weekly seminars to plan, discuss, and critique in-progress work.

College/Department: Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts Design
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: PHTO 392 [Min Grade: D]

Entertainment & Arts Management BS

...PHIL, PHTO 275 [ WI ] , PHTO 276 [ WI ] , PHTO...FMST, ENGL 111 - ENGL 492 , FREN, GER, HBRW...

Interior Design BS / Interior Architecture MS

...LING, MENA, MUSC, PHIL, PHTO, PPE, PBHL, RELS...GR degree requirements INTR 492 Senior Project II...