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PROD 480 Exhibition Studio 4.0 Credits
This final studio is a culmination of the educational experience in the production of a senior exhibition highlighting the students' accomplishments. Under supervision, students work together to demonstrate control of all aspects of the design process and visual communication in the production of a graduation exhibition.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is PROD.
Prerequisites: PROD 470 [Min Grade: C]
Fashion Industry & Merchandising BS
...level courses, including T380-480 in AFAS, of COOP 101 . ** PROD 215 and COM...
Fashion Industry & Merchandising BS / Retail & Merchandising MS
...level courses, including T380-480 in AFAS, ARTH...before spring/summer COOP. *** PROD 215 and COM...
Fashion Industry & Merchandising BS / Business Administration MBA
...level courses, including T380-480 in AFAS, of COOP 101 . ** PROD 215 and COM...