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SMT 340 [WI] International Aspects of Sport 4.0 Credits

International sport should be understood within and outside the culture of a country in which it is being played or viewed. This course will allow students to develop an appreciation of non-American sporting cultures across the world, learn about potentially unfamiliar sports and sporting events and contrast different aspects of the sports industry with those within the US. Globalization and its implications for the sporting world will also be investigated, as will trans-­­national companies and organizations that impact the sport marketplace.

College/Department: LeBow College of Business
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: SMT 110 [Min Grade: D]

Fashion Industry & Merchandising BS / Business Administration MBA

...215 , SOC 240 , SOC 340 , SOC I499 . + Career...Management (POM), Sports Management (SMT) or Taxation (TAX...