Spanish for Health Professionals Certificate

Only available to currently enrolled Drexel undergraduate students.

The Spanish for Health Professionals certificate prepares students to engage Spanish-speaking populations in the field of healthcare. It offers a critical advantage to health professions students (College of Nursing and Health Professions, Public Health, Pre-Med) who will be much better positioned in the job market if they can certify their ability to use Spanish in the workplace and engage with patients in culturally sensitive ways.

Additional Information

For more information, contact:

Kate Hughes
Associate Director and Advisor
Department of Global Studies and Modern Languages

Program Requirements

Category 1: Spanish language coursework *4.0-12.0
Spanish for Healthcare Professionals I
Spanish for Healthcare Professionals II
Spanish for Healthcare Professionals III
Category 2: Latin American/Latinx Health coursework6.0-14.0
Students must complete between 6—14 credits of Latin American/Latinx Health coursework, and are encouraged to complete some of those credits through community-based and/or study abroad courses. **
Multicultural Counseling
Health Care across Cultures
Health Care for Diverse Groups
Public Health 101
Overview of Issues in Global Health
Introduction to Health & Human Rights
Public Health Ethics
Health Inequality
Biomedical Ethics
Global Ethical Issues
Introduction to Language for the Professions (When focused on health professions, taught in Spanish)
Sociology of Global Health
Total Credits18.0-26.0

Students are required to complete a minimum of 4 credits (SPAN 212 is required), and a maximum of 12 credits of language coursework. Students who take 4 credits of language courses must complete 14 credits of Latin American/Latinx Health coursework.


In addition to the course options above in Category 2, approved community-based/study abroad courses include: GST 231 Introduction to Identities and Communities (Disaster & Resilience in Puerto Rico: Community-Based Learning Course); LANG T180 Special Topics in Languages (Intensive Spanish for Medical Professional: Costa Rica study abroad course); HSAD 366 Global Aging Intensive Course AbroadHSAD T480 Special Topics in Health Services Administration (Health Care Systems in Latin America: Costa Rica study abroad course) CHP 691 Public Health Practice in and with Latino Communities; CHP 692 Migration and Health; and relevant special topics and study abroad courses will be considered with department permission. GST 261 and GST 361 can also be approved for Category 2, Latin American/Latinx Health coursework, when focused on relevant subject matter, such as GST 261: Introduction to Global Health and Sustainability (Race, Medicine, and Global Inequalities).