Health Management and Policy


HMP 500 Health Management and Policy I 3.0 Credits

This course provides students with a broad-based understanding of key management and policy topics in public health practice in the United States. The course focuses on the US public health system and explores how federal, state, and local public health agencies and their partners at corresponding levels finance, develop, and implement public health programs, services, and policies. Evolving opportunities for collaboration with the health care sector in addressing health problems of mutual concern are illuminated.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 501 Health Management and Policy II 3.0 Credits

This course provides students with a broad-based understanding of key management and policy topics in health care in the United States. The course focuses on the US health care system and examines its history and major components, including the organization, financing, and delivery of health care services. The course provides students with a strong foundational understanding of key management and policy concepts, systems, and issues, with a special focus on health care equity.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 505 Qualitative Data and Mixed Methods Analysis 3.0 Credits

This course provides an introduction and overview of qualitative data and analysis and the integration of quantitative and qualitative data in mixed-methods research designs. Students will be introduced to a range of qualitative primary data collection approaches and will learn how to analyze qualitative data through both hand coding and with analysis software. The course will also focus on the integration of quantitative and qualitative data and methods. Students will learn about the pragmatic approach to study design in which the research question at hand drives the selection of methods. The advantages and challenges to mixed-method research will be covered, as well as an overview of the major mixed-method study designs.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: EPI 570 [Min Grade: C], NURS 531 [Min Grade: C] (Can be taken Concurrently)

HMP 510 Evolution of United States Health Policy 3.0 Credits

This is a reading intensive seminar in the evolution of the US health system and history of 20th century US health policy: how it adapted to internal and external forces with an emphasis on the cyclic interest - and disinterest - in universal health care coverage.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 511 Legal Aspects of Public Health 3.0 Credits

This course covers legal and policy issues in the implementation of public health programs. It emphasizes underlying themes that frame these efforts.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 512 The Business of Healthcare: Advanced Healthcare Financial Management 3.0 Credits

The Business of Healthcare: Advanced Healthcare Financial Management is a course designed for non-financial health care managers. Using the case study approach, it offers an introduction to the most-used tools and techniques of health care financial management. There is a particular focus on fundamental.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 513 Healthcare Planning Principles and Practice 3.0 Credits

This course provides students with a practical guide to the concepts and practice of planning as a core function of public health and health care management. Planning is the process of identifying an organization's desired goals and creating realistic, detailed plans of action to use organizational resources to meet those goals. As a core management function, planning has multiple organizational dimensions. These include formal processes like long-term strategic planning and business planning, and short(er) term project and operational planning. In each case, the basic steps in the planning process involve creating a road map that outlines the tasks that the organization must accomplish to meet its goals. This course addresses planning as an organizational management function in these several dimensions.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 514 Policy Analysis for Population Health 3.0 Credits

This course prepares students to conduct policy research to improve the health of populations. The content of this course is divided into two sections: one focused on policy process research and one focused on policy outcomes research. Policy process research is focused on generating knowledge about the contemporary, "real world" contexts in which health policy decisions are made. The purpose is to understand the sociopolitical complexities surrounding a policy issue so advocates can more effectively communicate research evidence and advance policy changes that improve population health. Policy outcomes research is focused on generating knowledge about the impacts that policies produce. The purpose is to determine the outcomes that are directly attributable to a specific policy, not other factors.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 515 Health Organizational Leadership 3.0 Credits

This course will focus attention on leadership within the health industry from three perspectives: self, team and organization. Course content will include understanding our individual leadership styles, common elements of effective teams, and organizational dynamics. Students will learn core concepts of high performance among teams and organizations through case studies, readings, class exercises, journaling, and guest speakers that center around the health and health care environment. Students will learn methods and techniques to help them become more effective leaders of healthcare organizations.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 516 Health Care Organizations and Management 3.0 Credits

This course provides an introduction and overview to leadership, management, and organizational behavior in health care, reflecting the uniqueness of this sector. The course integrates theory with practice through readings, lectures, written assignments, and guest presentations from different organizational perspectives.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 519 Maternal & Child Health Policy 3.0 Credits

This course provides an introduction and overview of Maternal and Child Health (MCH)policy at the local, state, federal, and global level, with attention to grassroots community-centered/-led pro-grams and advocacy, all within a framework of identifying and defining the structural root causes that perpetuate inequities. Students learn about the principles of MCH policy and the impact of policy on maternal and child health. The course examines structural racism, in particular, its role as a root cause in creating and reproducing MCH inequities. Students will have the opportunity to analyze MCH policy issues and to engage with local organizations to learn more about current policy efforts within their chosen area.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 550 Health Disparities: Systemic, Structural, Environmental & Economic 3.0 Credits

This course explores racial and ethnic disparities in health status and access to health care, while examining interventions to eliminate them. Students learn to define and describe racial, ethnic and gender-related disparities, discuss underlying mechanisms, think critically about existing research on health disparities and develop proposals for reducing them.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 551 Historical and Contemporary Developments in Social Justice 3.0 Credits

Courses will cover direct and indirect links between public health policies, political circumstances, social and economic conditions and effects on health of individuals and populations using the human rights framework.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 555 Violence, Trauma and Adversity in Public Health 3.0 Credits

This course will provide an introductory focus on the public health policy and practice aspects of trauma, violence and adversity. The course will explore the history, epidemiology and psychobiology of trauma and adversity, look at exposure to adversity across the lifespan, and examine the impact of emerging knowledge on individuals, communities and systems. Students will have opportunities to examine trauma-informed approaches being applied to individuals, communities and systems and will analyze the policy and practice implications of these models as well as the translation from research to practice.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 556 Public Health Leadership 3.0 Credits

Effective leadership is essential to the success of public health organizations charges with promoting, protecting, and improving community health. The course will explore the ways in which today's fields of public health and health care challenges leaders. Students can benefit from assessment of their individual leadership qualities and public health related case studies utilized by this course.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 557 Public Health and the Complexity of Mental Health Policy: Exploring Past, Present, and Future 3.0 Credits

This course examines the past, present, and future of American mental health policy. It is impossible to understand mental health policy as it exists in the present or work on policies applicable to the future without an understanding of how we have ended up where we are today. The polarizing splits in discourse take many forms, all of which determine policy and are examined in this course thorough the questions of Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 558 Organizational Stress through a Trauma-Informed Lens 3.0 Credits

This course prepares students to become knowledgeable and capable employees and managers. Regardless of where one works, the impact of chronic stress is inevitable, and the toll it takes on individuals as well as members of families and various communities is high. This course will focus on group dynamics and all that goes awry when organizations experience acute stress, traumatic experiences, and chronic stressful conditions. The course prepares students to understand the dynamics and impacts of organizational stress and develop ideas for responding to it when they are in management positions.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 600 Public Health Advocacy and Activism 3.0 Credits

Advocacy and activism play a critical role in translating public health findings into policy, practice, and supportive public opinion. This course will address specific advocacy skills including, but not limited to framing projects, planning advocacy campaigns, identifying partners, developing skills in traditional and new media, understanding the role of lawyers and the legal system, legislative advocacy and lobbying, and understanding grassroots/community organizing.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 603 Health Systems Policy Analysis 3.0 Credits

This course examines alternative approaches to structuring a nation's health system and reforming existing systems. Development of an analytic framework to explore health systems of different nations and performance evaluation of those systems.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 604 Resource Allocation and Budgeting for Government and Non-Profits 3.0 Credits

This is a course in resource allocation and budgeting for non-profits and government. It is intended to give students an understanding on how budgets are created, what they mean, and how they reflect an organization’s values and mission. It is not a finance course. Students will be asked to read, analyze, discuss and create budgets within a larger context of planning, program development, and management in public health.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 610 Abolition Frameworks for Public Health: Transformative Policies for a New Society 3.0 Credits

An abolitionist framework utilizes liberatory policy approaches to create the conditions for health and wellbeing. Through recognizing the United States’ history and public health impact of colonization, slavery, Anti-Black racism, structural racism, capitalism, imperialism, ableism and patriarchy, an abolitionist framework views prisons, policing, standardized education, for-profit health care, and other systems as interconnected means of oppression and exploitation. Abolition seeks to dismantle those sources of control and to simultaneously envision and build new social, political and economic structures that ensure that power is with the people and communities to help all of us to live and flourish in a healthy society that promotes dignity for all.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: HMP 802 [Min Grade: C] or HMP 550 [Min Grade: C]

HMP 650 Management of Healthcare Outcomes 3.0 Credits

This course addresses the management of healthcare outcomes from several perspectives: patient, patient care and health systems. It explores how absolute clinical outcomes are impacted by intermediate outcomes in healthcare delivery and how these are evaluated from an economic outcomes perspective. It also addresses disparities observed in achieving health outcomes.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 651 Managing a Public Health Agency 3.0 Credits

Managing a Public Health Agency is a course designed to expose students to the practice of public health at the local level. The course focuses on the application of public health management and policy into public health practice. Through a series of modules and drawing upon the experience and expertise of colleagues at the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Regional County Health Departments and other Federally Qualified Health Centers FQHCs), this course explores both policy and management issues in practicing public health.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 657 Health Care Strategy and Operations: Creating Change 3.0 Credits

During this case study-driven course, students will work independently as the senior management team of a health organization. A case specific to a particular health organization and community will be assigned and, in teams, students will be expected to develop a five year strategic plan for the organization that includes an integrated five year financial plan. The instructor will act as the CEO and to simulate as closely as possible the actual practice of management, the healthcare organization will have a real Board of Directors comprised of experts in a variety of fields, which will interact with the teams throughout the quarter.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: HMP 512 [Min Grade: C]

HMP 658 Trauma-Informed Leadership 3.0 Credits

A paradigm shift is underway in understanding human beings and human groups and for want of a better term, this has become known as “trauma-informed” knowledge. The course integrates a knowledge base aimed at preparing leaders in any public health organization to create trauma-informed organizational cultures. This course is organized around key trauma-informed concepts and values embodied in using the word P.R.E.S.E.N.C.E as an acronym, with each letter representing two interconnected principles: Partnership and Power; Reverence and Restoration; Emotional Wisdom and Empathy; Safety and Social Responsibility; Embodiment and Enactment, Nature and Nurture, Culture and Complexity, and Emergence and Evolution.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 660 Public Policy and Advocacy 3.0 Credits

This course covers the theory and practice of making policy in public health and in health care: what it is, who makes it, and how and when it is made successfully. It is also about U.S. health policy itself, focusing on several important policy issues and their historical context. This is all intended to help students in making decisions about, or advocating for, policies that reflect values that they hold and/or societal values that they support.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 661 Disability and Measurement 3.0 Credits

Understanding the range of definitions and methods of measuring disability is essential to formulating effective policies and programs to support individuals with disabilities, their families and caregivers, and service providers. This course is grounded in the diverse methods for measuring the concept of disability and the presentation of disability across individuals and populations. Since the measurement of disability is a fundamental building block for the creation of policy, the linkage to policy processes and content will be a backdrop for discussion and course activities. The measurement of disability has a long history and is rapidly changing in the current policy environment. Historical and present-day approaches to disability measurement will be presented and discussed.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 662 Medicaid and Disability Policy 3.0 Credits

People who qualify for Medicaid based on a disability include adults and children with disabilities that they have had since birth and others who have disabling conditions acquired through illness, injury, or trauma. Medicaid beneficiaries enrolled through disability pathways include those with physical conditions; intellectual or developmental disabilities; and serious behavioral disorders or mental illness. As such, Medicaid is the essential public program providing life-sustaining benefits to the disabled in the U.S. This course examines the public policy components of the Medicaid program related to eligibility, coverage, financing, and administration. The course also examines the history of the program to provide the context for understanding its present and future challenges.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 667 Professional Seminar for the Executive MPH Program 1.5 Credit

This Seminar is a requirement of all students completing their MPH degree in the Executive program, providing a cohort-based component to the MPH experience. Using DSPH faculty and external partners, this seminar will enhance EMPH coursework and enable students to build connections between their academic experience and their public health careers.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 2 times for 15 credits
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is PHEX.

HMP 703 Introduction to GIS for Public Health 3.0 Credits

This course will provide students with a solid foundation in acquisition, manipulation, analyses, and presentation of spatial data using geographic information system (GIS). This course emphasizes hands-on use of data from Philadelphia and other contexts to develop methodological expertise, explore spatial patterns in health, and understand issues of health disparities and social justice. Topics covered in this course include: acquisition of spatial data, data management, geocoding, symbolizing features, coordinate and projection systems, making maps for presentation, and introduction to spatial analyses.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 704 Using Data to Drive Policy and Practice 3.0 Credits

Public policy is driven by advocates, lobbyists, consultants, and other stakeholders. Data is an important tool that is used by all of these groups to drive arguments/positions and inform public officials. This course is an intermediate course designed to teach graduate-level public health students techniques in gathering, analyzing and presenting data, including the use of basic statistical measures, to use an evidence base to inform public policy. This course exhibits a heavy applied component, teaching students how to collect, synthesize and report data, how to engage stakeholders with effective communication.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: BST 555 [Min Grade: C]

HMP 750 Integrative Learning Experience 3.0 Credits

The Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) comprises the culminating experience required of full-time second-year MPH students. Organized as a 6-credit project over two quarters in year two, students will have the option to complete an internship, research project or culminating thesis to fulfill this requirement. Students may choose to work on an individual or group-based project. Students are required to complete a high-quality written product at the end of the experience. This is the first course in the sequence.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 751 Integrative Learning Experience II 3.0 Credits

The Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) comprises the culminating experience required of full-time second-year MPH students. Organized as a 6-credit project over two quarters in year two, students will have the option to complete an internship, research project or culminating thesis to fulfill this requirement. Students may choose to work on an individual or group-based project. Students are required to complete a high-quality written product at the end of the experience. This is the second course in the sequence.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: HMP 750 [Min Grade: C]

HMP 752 EMPH Capstone I 2.5 Credits

This course is the first of a 3-course sequence designed to fulfill the requirement that all Master of Public Health degree candidates have the opportunity, as described by the Council on Education for Public Health, “to synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired in course work and other learning experiences and to apply theory and principles in a situation that approximates some aspect of professional practice”. In this course, students will learn the component tasks involved in case analysis, such as stakeholder analysis and the development of an action plan. Students will work in groups to analyze a case study of public health practice and policy, applying general and discipline-specific public health knowledge from their course work to the effective resolution of a public health problem.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is PHEX.

HMP 753 EMPH Capstone II 2.5 Credits

This course is the second of a 3-course sequence designed to fulfill the requirement that all Master of Public Health degree candidates have the opportunity, as described by the Council on Education for Public Health, “to synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired in course work and other learning experiences and to apply theory and principles in a situation that approximates some aspect of professional practice”. In this course, students will work in groups to analyze a case study of public health practice and policy, identify an effective resolution, develop an action plan for implementation, and articulate an evaluation strategy. Group presentations of the case analysis will be required. Students will then work in groups to identify and develop topics for new cases.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is PHEX.

HMP 754 EMPH Capstone III 2.5 Credits

This course is the third and final course of a 3-course sequence designed to fulfill the requirement that all Master of Public Health degree candidates have the opportunity, as described by CEPH, “to synthesize and integrate knowledge acquired in course work and other learning experiences and to apply theory and principles in a situation that approximates some aspect of professional practice”. In this course, students will work in groups to develop and write a new case study of public health practice and policy. The case will focus on a current and/or continuing public heath challenge and will incorporate researched background data such as epidemiologic patterns and trends, organizational and financial data, and relevant issues such as political, cultural and social context.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is PHEX.

HMP 802 Health and Human Rights 3.0 Credits

Health and well-being are intricately associated with fundamental human rights. This course will cover direct links between public health policies, political circumstances, and social and economic conditions and their effects on health of individuals and populations using the human rights framework.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 803 Health Systems Policy Analysis 3.0 Credits

This course examines alternative approaches to structuring a nation's health system and reforming existing systems. Development of an analytic framework to explore health systems of different nations and performance evaluation of those systems.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is PhD and program is DRPH or PHD.

HMP 808 Public Health Advocacy and Activism 3.0 Credits

Advocacy and activism play a critical role in helping translate public health findings into policy, practice, and supportive public opinion. This course will address specific advocacy skills including, but not limited to framing projects, planning advocacy campaigns, identifying partners, developing skills in traditional and new media, understanding the role of lawyers and the legal system in advocacy work, legislative advocacy and lobbying, and understanding grassroots/community organizing.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is PhD and program is DRPH or PHD.

HMP 810 Health Services Research 3.0 Credits

Course provides an introduction to basic and "state of the art" methods for undertaking research and program evaluation within health services organizations and systems.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 811 Legal Aspects of Public Health 3.0 Credits

This course covers legal and policy issues in the implementation of public health programs. It emphasizes underlying themes that frame these efforts.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is PhD and program is DRPH or PHD.

HMP 812 Qualitative Methods for Health Policy Research and Practice 3.0 Credits

This course will introduce the philosophy and methods of using qualitative research methods to understand and address public health policy and health services issues. The course will use the Chronic Care Model as a frame for considering the individual patient, the interaction between the patient and provider, the practice team, the community and the health systems as targets for understanding health services using qualitative methods. Within this context the course will cover development of appropriate qualitative research questions, data collection methods (including individual interviews, focus group techniques, ethnography). Analytic approaches to be covered will include grounded theory, narrative analysis, interaction/discourse analysis, content analysis as well as case-based/set theoretic methods.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 814 Research and Practice Workshop 3.0 Credits

This course will consist of presentations of early-stage or otherwise unpolished practice or research projects in health policy and management by doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows, with discussion to determine relevant methodological, policy, practice, or implementation issues, as well as to offer constructive criticism and to identify possible collaborators. Department faculty will also be in attendance who will share their own research and practice ideas, giving doctoral students and fellows the ability to provide and receive constructive feedback.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is HMP or major is HSRP and classification is PhD and program is DRPH or PHD.

HMP 815 Cost Benefit Analysis for Health Services 3.0 Credits

This course will introduce students to various methodologies for economic evaluations of health care interventions. Great attention will be spent on understanding the differing methodologies for economic evaluation (cost-benefit cost, effectiveness-analysis, etc.), when these methodologies are appropriate, and the strengths/weaknesses of each.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 817 Public Health Workforce: Pedagogy and Development 3.0 Credits

This course introduces doctoral students to key concepts in Public Health workforce development and training needs assessment. It will prepare students to assess training needs for their community, develop presentations, and design and teach learning modules for public health work-force development and undergraduate/graduate level courses.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 820 Methods in Implementation Science 3.0 Credits

This course will enhance knowledge and skills to design, implement, and interpret interventions in clinical settings and health systems. This course offers learning methods to ensure that health care innovations and interventions are effective and reliable across the settings and contexts for which they are designed. The focus is designing practical experiments when the intervention(s) and the conditions under which they are being tested are changing over time.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 824 Policy Analysis for Population Health 3.0 Credits

This course prepares students to conduct policy research to improve the health of populations. The content of this course is divided into two sections: one focused on policy process research and one focused on policy outcomes research. Policy process research is focused on generating knowledge about the contemporary, "real world" contexts in which health policy decisions are made. The purpose is to understand the sociopolitical complexities surrounding a policy issue so advocates can more effectively communicate research evidence and advance policy changes that improve population health. Policy outcomes research is focused on generating knowledge about the impacts that policies produce. The purpose is to determine the outcomes that are directly attributable to a specific policy, not other factors.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is PhD and program is DRPH or PHD.

HMP 830 Health Services Research II 3.0 Credits

The goal of this course is to deepen students’ expertise in causal inference methods for quantitative health services research, especially methods students may have touched on only briefly in other courses. The class will particularly focus on natural experiments and matching methods that students can employ to evaluate the effects of social and biological exposures, healthcare access, and the public policies that govern them. Covered content will include econometrics (e.g., difference-in-differences and its extensions; instrumental variables; RDD; etc.) as well as more traditional epidemiologic approaches (i.e., matching methods and their extensions). Students will use statistical software to estimate models, interpret results, and gain a clear sense of how to apply these methods in practice.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is PhD.
Prerequisites: BST 560 [Min Grade: B-] and HMP 810 [Min Grade: B-]

HMP 850 DrPH Practicum 0.0 Credits

The course will provide students the opportunity to have a significant, advanced-level practice experience. Regardless of the amount or level of prior experience, all students will engage in one or more practice experiences in which they are responsible for completion of a project that is meaningful for an organization and to advance public health practice. Relevant organizations may include governmental, non-governmental, non-profit, industrial and for-profit settings.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is PhD and program is DRPH.

HMP 852 Health Economics I 3.0 Credits

This course is the first in a 2-course sequence in health economics. This course provides an introduction to the economics of health and health care. Topics covered include: the production of health, the demand for medical care, health care production and costs, determinants of the supply of medical care, payment systems, health insurance, problems in health insurance markets (adverse selection and moral hazard), and economic aspects of health care reform. Previous college-level coursework in economics is recommended but not required. Students are expected to have facility with high school algebra (including the understanding and graphing of functions).

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 853 Health Economics II 3.0 Credits

This course is the second in a 2-course sequence in health economics. Topics covered include: competition and market power in health care markets, managed care, hospitals, the healthcare workforce, an introduction to cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, pharmaceuticals and health technologies, and an introduction to behavioral economics in health. Students will have an opportunity to do an independent health economics project.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: HMP 852 [Min Grade: C]

HMP 856 Public Health Leadership 3.0 Credits

Effective leadership is essential to the success of public health organizations charged with promoting, protecting, and improving community health. The course will explore the ways in which today's fields of public health and health care challenge leaders. Students can benefit from assessment of their individual leadership qualities and public health related case studies utilized by this course.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

HMP 857 Health Care Strategy and Operations: Creating Change 3.0 Credits

During this case study-driven course, students will work independently as the senior management team of a health organization. A case specific to a particular health organization and community will be assigned and, in teams, students will be expected to develop a five-year strategic plan for the organization that includes an integrated five-year financial plan. The instructor will act as the CEO and to simulate as closely as possible the actual practice of management, the healthcare organization will have a real Board of Directors comprised of experts in a variety of fields, which will interact with the teams throughout the quarter.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is PhD and program is DRPH or PHD.

HMP 997 Pre-Dissertation Research 1.0-9.0 Credit

This course will serve as an intensive introduction to the process of developing a dissertation proposal, leading to the student developing such a proposal based on their chosen area of focus.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

HMP 998 DrPH Dissertation Guidance 1.0-12.0 Credit

Candidates will conduct an investigation that is relevant to their work and career, i.e., addresses a problem or controversy faced by an organization or discipline. This project would integrate elements of a traditional research paper (e.g., background literature review, rationale, systematic approach, assessment of strengths and limitations of findings) with practice-based elements (e.g., addressing a practice-based question, use of case-study or consultation approach, emphasis on health care or public health impacts in framing conclusions and recommendations).

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

HMP 999 PhD Dissertation Guidance 1.0-12.0 Credit

Candidates must complete an original investigation. The dissertation must be based on the student’s own work, worthy of publication, and acceptable to the student’s committee. The steps in completing the dissertation should include completion of a literature review, articulation of the rationale for addressing the proposed research question(s), specification of proposed research methods, data collection/acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of the findings, including an assessment of strengths and limitations of findings and implications for future research, policy and practice.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

HMP T580 Special Topics in Health Management & Policy 0.5-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

HMP T680 Special Topics in Health Management & Policy 0.5-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

HMP T780 Special Topics in Health Management & Policy 0.5-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

HMP T880 Special Topics in Health Management & Policy 0.5-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

HMP T980 Special Topics in Health Management & Policy 0.5-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: Dornsife School of Public Health
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit