Environmental Engineering


ENVE 300 Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3.0 Credits

Overview of environmental engineering practice: water resources, water and waste control, solid waste, air pollution, risk management and environmental health. Population and resource demand forecasting, chemistry and microbiology necessary to solve basic problems is included.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman
Prerequisites: CAEE 202 [Min Grade: D] and CAEE 203 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 302 Environmental Transport and Kinetics 3.0 Credits

Covers applications of mass balances to describing transport environmental systems, diffusive and dispersive processes, and coupling of transport and kinetic models.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman
Prerequisites: CHE 211 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 316 Fundamentals of Environmental Biotechnology 3.0 Credits

This is an introductory course in environmental biotechnology for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in engineering. The fundamentals of microbiology and molecular biology important to environmental engineering applications will be emphasized.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: BIO 141 [Min Grade: D] and (ENVE 300 [Min Grade: D] or CHE 211 [Min Grade: D])

ENVE 335 Industrial Safety 3.0 Credits

Examines safety in the workplace, loss prevention principles, Occupational Safety and Health Act implementation, accident investigation techniques, and basics of loss control and risk management.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman

ENVE 410 Solid and Hazardous Waste 3.0 Credits

Provides an overview of municipal and industrial waste management, including design and economic analysis. Discusses options such as landfilling and incineration from engineering, social, and regulatory perspectives. Reviews physical, chemical, and biological treatment of hazardous waste.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman

ENVE 415 Recycling of Materials 3.0 Credits

This course will examine the selection criteria for recycling component materials. Recycling involves both reusing materials for energy applications and reprocessing materials into new products.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: ENVE 302 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 416 Urban Water Resources & Infrastructure Systems 3.0 Credits

This course covers planning, design, and operation of water and wastewater systems in urban areas. Topics include domestic and firefighting water supply, treatment, storage and distribution; wastewater collection and treatment; stormwater collection, peak flow attenuation and treatment, and protection of source/receiving water aquatic habitat.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: ENVE 300 [Min Grade: D] and CIVE 330 [Min Grade: D] and CIVE 430 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 421 Water and Waste Treatment II 3.0 Credits

Covers processes used for water purification and waste treatment, containment and immobilization of hazardous wastes, and ultimate disposal of residues and hazardous materials.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is Senior.

ENVE 422 Water and Waste Treatment Design 3.0 Credits

Covers integration of processes into a complete treatment system. Includes detailed design procedures to control wastes, prevent environmental contamination, and protect drinking water quality.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman
Prerequisites: ENVE 421 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 435 Groundwater Remediation 3.0 Credits

Reviews physical, chemical, and biological remediation technologies for contaminated sites and groundwater by in-site and ex-site applications.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman

ENVE 450 Data-based Engineering Modeling 3.0 Credits

This course covers empirical methods to understand and model engineering systems. Students will learn to develop evaluate statistical models and use three common statistical software packages, Excel, SPSS, and R.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman or Junior or Pre-Junior or Sophomore
Prerequisites: ENGR 361 [Min Grade: D] or CHE 335 [Min Grade: D] or MEM 361 [Min Grade: D] or MATH 311 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 455 Geographic Information Systems 3.0 Credits

The course provides grounding in fundamental principles of GIS, and achieves understanding through hands on practical laboratories. Course topics include: spatial reference systems, geographic data theory and structures, structures, spatial analysis tools, functions and algorithms, GIS data sources, compilation and quality, and GIS project design and planning.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is Senior.

ENVE 460 Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control 3.0 Credits

Fundamental topics with regard to the formation and control of air pollutants are studied. This course provides strong foundation for engineers who will be involved in the development of engineering solutions for industrial air pollution prevention and design, development or selection of air pollution control devices and systems.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

ENVE 465 Indoor Air Quality 3.0 Credits

Introduces basic concepts about indoor air quality, indoor air pollutants, including their sources and health effects, transport of pollutants, modeling of pollutant concentration in buildings, and ventilation as well as air cleaning systems.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: ENVE 302 [Min Grade: D] or AE 220 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 470 Industrial Ecology 3.0 Credits

Industrial Ecology (IE) is an evolving view of industrial operations which seeks to design processes and manufacture products in such a way to minimize and optimize their environmental interactions. IE borrows the analogy from nature that “waste” from one organism is “food” for another. Within the “technosphere”, the organization in which economic processes and activities are conducted by humans, IE uses the evolving tools life cycle assessment (LCA), material flow analysis (MFA), and economic valuation, to explore novel approaches to minimizing waste stocks and flows at both micro and macro levels.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: CIVE 240 [Min Grade: B-] and ENVE 300 [Min Grade: B-]

ENVE 471 Environmental Life Cycle Assessment 3.0 Credits

This course provides undergraduate engineering students with an enhanced skill set to permit them to cooperate more fully in the sustainable design and planning of engineering systems. Students will be introduced to the systems analysis modeling approaches, life cycle assessment (LCA) and material flow analysis (MFA), and will explore research-oriented aspects of the methods and their application in engineering design, decisions, and public policy.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: ENVE 300 [Min Grade: B-] and CIVE 240 [Min Grade: B-]

ENVE 485 Professional Environmental Engineering Practice 1.0 Credit

Professional and ethical considerations in environmental engineering practice. Career management and lifelong learning.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ENVE and classification is Senior.
Corequisite: ENVE 491

ENVE 486 Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory I 2.0 Credits

Laboratory experiments on common environmental engineering unit processes are performed. Students use data to draw conclusions relevant to design of full-scale systems.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ENVE and classification is Senior.
Prerequisites: ENVE 302 [Min Grade: D] and ENVS 401 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 487 Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory II 2.0 Credits

Laboratory experiments on common environmental engineering unit processes are performed. Students use data to draw conclusions relevant to design of full-scale systems.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is ENVE and classification is Senior.
Prerequisites: ENVE 302 [Min Grade: D] and ENVS 401 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 491 [WI] Senior Project Design I 3.0 Credits

Introduces the design process. Covers information retrieval, problem definition, proposal writing, patents, and design notebooks. Explores problem areas through presentations by experts from industry, government, and education.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is Senior.
Prerequisites: ENVE 302 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 492 [WI] Senior Design Project II 3.0 Credits

Continues the work started in ENVE 491. Requires written and oral progress reports.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is Senior.
Prerequisites: ENVE 491 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE 493 [WI] Senior Design Project III 3.0 Credits

This course is the final sequence in the design project. It requires written and oral final reports, including oral presentations by each design team at a formal Design Conference open to the public and conducted in the style of a professional conference.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if classification is Senior.
Prerequisites: ENVE 492 [Min Grade: D]

ENVE I199 Independent Study in Environmental Engineering 0.0-12.0 Credits

Self-directed within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

ENVE I299 Independent Study in Environmental Engineering 0.0-12.0 Credits

Self-directed within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

ENVE I399 Independent Study in Environmental Engineering 0.0-12.0 Credits

Self-directed within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

ENVE I499 Independent Study in Environmental Engineering 0.0-12.0 Credits

Self-directed within the area of study requiring intermittent consultation with a designated instructor.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

ENVE T180 Special Topics in ENVE 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

ENVE T280 Special Topics in ENVE 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

ENVE T380 Special Topics in ENVE 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit

ENVE T480 Special Topics in ENVE 0.0-12.0 Credits

Topics decided upon by faculty will vary within the area of study.

College/Department: College of Engineering
Repeat Status: Can be repeated multiple times for credit