Dance BS

Major: Dance
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science (BS)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 186.0
Co-op Options: One Co-op (Four years)
Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code: 50.0399
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 25-1121; 27-2031; 27-2032

About the Program

The dance program at Drexel University provides intensive exploration of dance in its physical, intellectual, creative and therapeutic aspects. The major is designed for students to focus on one of the following four concentrations:

  • Dance/Movement Therapy
  • Dance in Education
  • Physical Therapy
  • Performance

The dance major at Drexel University has a unique curriculum design and focus. This program combines rigorous academic coursework with extensive stage and studio dance experiences to prepare students for four possible career paths within dance: dance/movement therapy, dance in education, physical therapy and performance. Students participating in this major will earn a BS degree in dance with an optional minor in psychology.

Students focused on dance/movement therapy will prepare for jobs as dance/movement therapists. These are psychological counselors working in a variety of settings including hospitals, out-patient clinics and residential treatment centers. Students pursuing this option will earn a BS degree in dance at the Westphal College, through the Department of Performing Arts, for the first four years of study. They will then have the option to continue on to two years of study in the College of Nursing and Health Professions to earn an MA in Creative Arts in Therapy and become a licensed dance therapist.

The second career focus, dance education, prepares students for jobs as elementary school teachers (grades Pre-K through 4) who may also serve as school dance specialists. Students choosing this option will earn a BS degree in dance through the Department of Performing Arts with a license to teach dance through The Pennsylvania Department of Education. Students may elect to continue for a fifth year of study to earn an MS in the Teaching, Learning & Curriculum through the School of Education.

The third career focus, physical therapy, prepares students to work as physical therapists in a variety of settings, including hospitals, treatment centers, schools, and private practice. Students interested in the physical therapy option will complete the four-year BS degree in dance, along with a series of recommended electives in the physical sciences. After completion of the BS degree, students will continue their education for an additional three years in the College of Nursing and Health Professions to earn a DPT and become a licensed physical therapist.

The fourth option, custom design, allows students to work closely with faculty to create a personalized career in dance. Many students in this focus select performance, which prepares them to work as performers and/or choreographers in a variety of settings. Students interested in the performance option will complete the four-year BS degree in dance, with an emphasis on collaborative and interdisciplinary work. 

The student who enters the dance major at Drexel University is an academically achieving student who has a deep curiosity for non-traditional careers in the field of dance. He or she is looking for extensive experiences to improve as a dancer, choreographer and performer while being stimulated academically. This student wants to study dance—-both physically and cognitively—in college while being offered the possibility of gainful employment after graduation.

Additional Information

For more information about this major, visit the Westphal College's Dance webpage.

Degree Requirements 

General Education Requirements
CIVC 101Introduction to Civic Engagement1.0
COOP 101Career Management and Professional Development1.0
ENGL 101Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research3.0
or ENGL 111 English Composition I
ENGL 102Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing3.0
or ENGL 112 English Composition II
ENGL 103Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres3.0
or ENGL 113 English Composition III
MATH 171Introduction to Analysis A3.0
MATH 172Introduction to Analysis B3.0
PSY 101General Psychology I3.0
PSY 120Developmental Psychology3.0
PSY 240 [WI] Abnormal Psychology3.0
UNIV A101The Drexel Experience1.0
Two English (ENGL) electives6.0
One Art or Humanities elective3.0
Two Natural Science electives8.0
Free electives49.0
Dance Major Requirements
Foundation and Theory Requirements
ARTH 103History of Art III3.0
DANC 108Dance Improvisation I2.0
DANC 115Introduction to Dance3.0
DANC 116Dance and Fitness3.0
DANC 117Foundations of Somatic Theory and Practice3.0
DANC 135Rhythmic Study for Dance3.0
DANC 215Dance Appreciation3.0
DANC 216Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis3.0
DANC 221Survey of Dance and Movement Therapy3.0
DANC 223Dance Pedagogy I: Foundations of Dance Pedagogy3.0
DANC 235Dance Composition I3.0
DANC 315Twentieth Century Dance3.0
DANC 316Dance Kinesiology3.0
DANC 335Dance Composition II3.0
DANC 415Dance Aesthetics and Criticism3.0
DANC 481Senior Seminar in Dance1.0
DANC 491Senior Project in Dance *3.0
MUSC 331World Musics3.0
THTR 240Theatre Production I3.0
Performance Requirements
DANC 131Dance Practicum in Performance **9.0
or DANC 133 Dance Practicum in Choreography
PRFA 100Community Arts Performance Practicum2.0
Technique Requirements
DANC 104Ballet Technique I2.0
DANC 105Modern Dance Technique I2.0
DANC 106Jazz Dance Technique I2.0
DANC 107Hip-Hop Dance Technique I2.0
DANC 109African Dance Technique I2.0
DANC 204Ballet Technique II2.0
DANC 205Modern Dance Technique II2.0
DANC 206Jazz Dance Technique II2.0
DANC 207Hip-Hop Dance Technique II2.0
DANC 209African Dance Technique II2.0
Select four of the following from one of the two Technique specialization groups:8.0
Technique Specialization Group I
Ballet Technique II
Modern Dance Technique II
Ballet Dance Technique III
Modern Dance Technique III
Technique Specialization Group II
Jazz Dance Technique II
Hip-Hop Dance Technique II
African Dance Technique II
Jazz Dance Technique III
Hip- Hop Technique Class III
African Technique Class III
Total Credits186.0

1.0 credit course repeated for a total of 3.0 credits


 For DANC 131: Sections 001, 005, 006, 007, 008 ONLY

1.0 credit course repeated 9 times for 9.0 credits in DANC 131 or DANC 133

Optional Concentrations

Students may select one of the three following concentrations in the Dance BS, or they may elect not to undertake a concentration. The required courses in the concentration will count towards the free electives to complete the major.  Dance majors who wish to pursue the Physical Therapy concentration should expect to use all 8.0 credit hours of natural science elective and 49.0 free elective credit hours, plus an addition of 10.0 credit hours to fulfill the science course requirement.

Dance Education-PK-12 Licensure Concentration:

Concentration Requirements
DANC 323Dance Pedagogy II: Dance Education for Children and Youth3.0
DANC 423Dance Pedagogy III: Dance Education for Adolescents and Adults3.0
EDUC 122Development in Early Childhood Education3.0
EDUC 123Adolescent Development3.0
EDUC 316Teaching in Urban Contexts3.0
or EDPO 312 Educational Policy, Law & Advocacy
EDUC 365Foundations in Instructing English Language Learners3.0
EDUC 409 [WI] Teaching Seminar I9.0
EDUC 410 [WI] Student Teaching9.0
MATH 173Introduction to Analysis C3.0
or MATH 107 Probability and Statistics for Liberal Arts
Total Credits39.0

Dance/Movement Therapy Concentration:

Concentration Requirements
PSY 212Physiological Psychology3.0
PSY 320 [WI] Educational Psychology3.0
PSY 330Cognitive Psychology3.0
Three Additional Psychology Electives9.0
Total Credits18.0

Physical Therapy Concentration:

Concentration Requirements
BIO 131
BIO 134
Cells and Biomolecules
and Cells and Biomolecules Lab
BIO 132
BIO 135
Genetics and Evolution
and Genetics and Evolution Lab
BIO 133
BIO 136
Physiology and Ecology
and Anatomy and Ecology Lab
CHEM 101General Chemistry I3.5
CHEM 102General Chemistry II4.5
CHEM 103General Chemistry III4.5
HSCI 101Anatomy and Physiology I5.0
HSCI 102Anatomy and Physiology II5.0
HSCI 103Anatomy and Physiology III5.0
PHYS 152Introductory Physics I4.0
PHYS 153Introductory Physics II4.0
PHYS 154Introductory Physics III4.0
One of the following4.5
Statistics for Health Sciences
Advanced Statistics for the Health Sciences
Total Credits59.0

Writing-Intensive Course Requirements

In order to graduate, all students must pass three writing-intensive courses after their freshman year. Two writing-intensive courses must be in a student's major. The third can be in any discipline. Students are advised to take one writing-intensive class each year, beginning with the sophomore year, and to avoid “clustering” these courses near the end of their matriculation. Transfer students need to meet with an academic advisor to review the number of writing-intensive courses required to graduate.

A "WI" next to a course in this catalog may indicate that this course can fulfill a writing-intensive requirement. For the most up-to-date list of writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Writing Intensive Course List at the University Writing Program. Students scheduling their courses can also conduct a search for courses with the attribute "WI" to bring up a list of all writing-intensive courses available that term.

Sample Plan of Study

On Campus Full Time students with no concentration:

First Year
DANC 1042.0CIVC 1011.0DANC 1072.0VACATION
DANC 1052.0DANC 1062.0DANC 1153.0 
DANC 1311.0DANC 1092.0DANC 1163.0 
ENGL 101 or 1113.0DANC 1173.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0 
MATH 1713.0DANC 1311.0DANC 1353.0 
PSY 1013.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0DANC 2042.0 
UNIV A1011.0MATH 1723.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
 15 15 17 0
Second Year
DANC 1082.0COOP 101*1.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0
DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 2072.0DANC 2153.0
DANC 2052.0DANC 2213.0DANC 2092.0DANC Technique Specialization 2.0
DANC 2062.0DANC 2233.0MUSC 3313.0English (ENGL) elective3.0
DANC 2163.0DANC 2353.0THTR 2403.0Natural Science elective4.0
PSY 2403.0PSY 1203.0Free electives6.0Free elective3.0
Free elective3.0Free elective3.0  
 16 17 17 16
Third Year
  DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0Arts & Humanities elective3.0
  DANC 3153.0DANC Technique Specialization2.0
  DANC 3163.0English (ENGL) elective3.0
  DANC 4811.0Free elective2.0
  DANC Technique Specialization2.0 
  Free elective3.0 
 0 0 16 13
Fourth Year
DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0 
DANC 4153.0DANC 4911.0DANC 4911.0 
DANC 4911.0Natural Science elective4.0DANC Technique Specialization2.0 
Free electives9.0Free electives9.0Free electives11.0 
 14 15 15 
Total Credits 186

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.

On Campus Full Time students with Dance Education-PK-12 Licensure Concentration:

First Year
DANC 1042.0CIVC 1011.0DANC 1072.0 
DANC 1052.0DANC 1062.0DANC 1153.0 
DANC 1311.0DANC 1092.0DANC 1163.0 
ENGL 101 or 1113.0DANC 1173.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0 
MATH 1713.0DANC 131 or 1331.0DANC 1353.0 
PSY 1013.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0DANC 2042.0 
UNIV A1011.0MATH 1723.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
 15 15 17 
Second Year
ARTH 1033.0COOP 101*1.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0
DANC 1082.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 2072.0DANC 2153.0
DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 2213.0DANC 2092.0DANC Technique Specialization 2.0
DANC 2052.0DANC 2233.0DANC 3233.0EDPO 312 or EDUC 3163.0
DANC 2062.0DANC 2353.0MATH 1733.0English (ENGL) elective3.0
DANC 2163.0EDUC 1223.0MUSC 3313.0Natural Science elective4.0
EDUC 1233.0PSY 1203.0THTR 2403.0 
 16 17 17 16
Third Year
  DANC 3153.0DANC Technique Specialization2.0
  DANC 3163.0Arts & Humanities elective3.0
  DANC 4233.0English (ENGL) elective3.0
  DANC 4811.0Free elective2.0
  DANC Technique Specialization2.0 
  PSY 2403.0 
 0 0 16 13
Fourth Year
DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0 
DANC 4153.0DANC 4911.0DANC 4911.0 
DANC 4911.0EDUC 4109.0DANC Technique Specialization2.0 
EDUC 4099.0Natural Science elective4.0EDUC 3653.0 
  Free electives8.0 
 14 15 15 
Total Credits 186

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to takeCOOP 001n place ofCOOP 101.

On Campus Full Time Students with Dance/Movement Therapy Concentration:

First Year
DANC 1042.0CIVC 1011.0DANC 1072.0VACATION
DANC 1052.0DANC 1062.0DANC 1153.0 
DANC 131 or 1331.0DANC 1092.0DANC 1163.0 
ENGL 101 or 1113.0DANC 1173.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0 
MATH 1713.0DANC 1311.0DANC 1353.0 
PSY 1013.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0DANC 2042.0 
UNIV A1011.0MATH 1723.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
 15 15 17 0
Second Year
DANC 1082.0COOP 101*1.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0
DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 2072.0DANC 2153.0
DANC 2052.0DANC 221 or 1333.0DANC 2092.0DANC Technique Specialization2.0
DANC 2062.0DANC 2233.0MUSC 3313.0ENGL elective3.0
DANC 2163.0DANC 2353.0THTR 2403.0Natural Science elective4.0
PSY 2403.0PSY 1203.0PSY elective3.0Free elective3.0
Elective3.0PSY 2123.0Free elective3.0 
 16 17 17 16
Third Year
  DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0PSY 3203.0
  DANC 315 or 3053.0DANC Technique Specialization2.0
  DANC 3163.0English (ENGL) elective3.0
  DANC 4811.0Free elective3.0
  DANC Technique Specialization2.0 
  Free elective3.0 
 0 0 16 14
Fourth Year
DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0 
DANC 4153.0DANC 4911.0DANC 4911.0 
DANC 4911.0Natural Science elective4.0DANC Technque Specialization2.0 
PSY 3303.0PSY electives6.0Arts & Humanities elective3.0 
Free electives6.0Free elective3.0Free electives7.0 
 14 15 14 
Total Credits 186

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.

On Campus Full Time students with Physical Therapy Concentration:

First Year
BIO 1314.0BIO 1324.0BIO 1334.0VACATION
BIO 1341.0BIO 1351.0BIO 1361.0 
DANC 1042.0CIVC 1011.0DANC 1072.0 
DANC 1052.0DANC 1062.0DANC 1153.0 
DANC 131 or 1331.0DANC 1173.0DANC 1163.0 
ENGL 101 or 1113.0DANC 131 or 1331.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0 
MATH 1713.0ENGL 102 or 1123.0DANC 1353.0 
UNIV A1011.0MATH 1723.0ENGL 103 or 1133.0 
 17 18 20 0
Second Year
DANC 1082.0COOP 101*1.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0
DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 1092.0DANC 2042.0DANC 2153.0
DANC 2052.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 2072.0DANC Technique Specialization2.0
DANC 2062.0DANC 2213.0DANC 2092.0English (ENGL) elective3.0
DANC 2163.0DANC 2233.0HSCI 1035.0Natural Science elective4.0
HSCI 1015.0DANC 2353.0PSY 1203.0 
PSY 1013.0HSCI 1025.0THTR 2403.0 
 18 18 18 13
Third Year
  DANC 3153.0DANC 3353.0
  DANC 3163.0PHYS 1534.0
  DANC 4811.0DANC Technique Specialization2.0
  HSCI 3454.5English (ENGL) elective3.0
  PHYS 1524.0 
  DANC Technique Specialization2.0 
 0 0 18.5 15
Fourth Year
CHEM 1013.5CHEM 1024.5CHEM 1034.5 
DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0DANC 131, 133, or PRFA 1001.0 
DANC 4153.0DANC 4911.0DANC 4911.0 
DANC 4911.0PSY 2403.0MUSC 3313.0 
PHYS 1544.0Natural Science elective4.0Arts & Humanities elective3.0 
  DANC Technique Specialization2.0 
 12.5 13.5 14.5 
Total Credits 196

COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.

Co-op/Career Opportunities

The dance major is designed for students to focus on one of four career options. Several of the concentrations lead to graduate study at Drexel or may be completed at the end of four years. Each also includes a co-op experience that allows for extended interaction with professionals in dance therapy, physical therapy, education, and performance. Students wishing to change career focus throughout the course of the undergraduate curriculum will have the option to do so.

Students focusing on dance/movement therapy participate in a six month co-op experience during the spring and summer terms of their junior year. These students may participate in co-op with a practicing dance/movement therapist, community dance artist, or mental health professional in a mental health, social service, rehabilitation, medical, special education or community arts setting.

Students focusing on physical therapy, will participate in a six month co-op in which they work in a setting with a physical therapist, such as a hospital, treatment center, school, or private practice. Co-op experiences where students are able to work with physical therapists working on dancers as clients will be encouraged. 

Students focusing on dance in education participate in after school dance programs, artist in residence school partnerships and auditorium lecture demonstration programs as part of a touring dance company run by the dance program at Drexel, or other dance education focused activities in a school or studio setting, during the fall and winter of their junior year as their co-op experience.

Students focusing on custom design or performance may participate in a six month co-op including performance, administration, production, event planning and grant writing. Students interested in performance will work with professional choreographers to experience multiple aspects of creating a sustainable life in performance and/or choreography. 

Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center page for more detailed information on co-op and post-graduate opportunities.  

Program Level Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, graduates will be prepared to:

  • Develop and demonstrate skills for critical thinking and the application of these skills in therapy, pedagogy, and performance
  • Demonstrate visual literacy and kinesthetic proficiency, including developing advanced skills in multiple dance techniques and practices 
  • Appreciate each dance form for its aesthetic properties and interactions with time periods and culture
  • Understand the interdisciplinary nature of dance and dance-related fields
  • Understand the value of diversity through a developing awareness of the world and their place in it
  • Demonstrate an understanding of physical and emotional self-care practices
  • Demonstrate a professional work ethic
  • Develop choreographic and improvisational skills
  • Understand and demonstrate a knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy, kinesiology and musicality
  • Describe movement using a range of personal and cultural lenses

Dance Faculty

Lindsay Browning, BFA (Bradford University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Yoga
Jim Bunting, BFA (University of the Arts, Philadelphia). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Jazz dance.
Tammy Carrasco, MFA (The Ohio State Univeristy). Dance composition.
Dinita Clark, BFA (University of the Arts). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Hip Hop dance
Antoinette Coward-Gilmore, MA (New York University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. African dance, modern dance.
Mary Jo Crews, MFA (Jacksonville University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Dance Appreciation, Choreography. ABT® Certified Teacher.
Susan Deutsch Adjunct Assistant Professor. Laban Movement Analysis
Clyde Evans Adjunct Assistant Professor. Director of Chosen Dance Company; hip-hop.
Chris Farrell, MBA (Fordham University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Rhythmic studies; accompaniment.
Brittany Fishel, MFA (University of Michigan). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Jazz Dance, Screen dance
Meghan Frederick, MFA (Temple University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Dance Ensemble
Kimberly Gadlin, MA (Claremont College). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Modern dance.
Miriam Giguere, PhD (Temple University) Department Head, Performing Arts. Professor. Dance History, Aesthetic and Criticism of Dance. President of Pennsylvania Dance Education Organization
Blanca Huertas-Agnew, MFA (Jacksonville University) Interim Program Director, Dance. Visiting Assistant Professor. Ballet
Valerie Ifill, MFA (University of Oregon) Director of the Youth Performance Exchange and Dornsife Dance . Assistant Teaching Professor. Intersections of dance and the community
Jessica Kilpatrick, BFA (University of Hartford). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Ballet
Beth McNamara, MA (Hahnemann University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Board-Certified Dance/Movement Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor in Philadelphia
Dara Meredith, MFA (Temple University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Dance ensemble.
Jennifer Morley, MFA (Temple University). Associate Teaching Professor. Master Pilates instructor and director of the Drexel Pilates Teaching Training program; modern dance, choreography.
Camille Moten, MFA (Rutgers University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Yoga
Olive Prince, MFA (Temple University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Choreography, creative process and improvisation; Director of Olive Prince Dance.
Albert Quesada Adjunct Assistant Professor. Modern Dance
Megan Quinn, MFA (Temple University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Somatics.
Meredith Rainey, MFA (University of the Arts). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Former soloist with Pennsylvania Ballet and director of Carbon Dance Theater. Ballet, choreography.
Marion Ramirez, MFA (Temple University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Dance improv.
Lauren Stepanski, DPT (Drexel University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Dance kinesiology
Hassan Syed, MFA (Temple University). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Dance ensemble.
Megan Tomey, MS (Drexel Unviersity). Adjunct Assistant Professor. Dance Ensemble and FreshDance Producer.