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COM 491 Senior Project in Communication I 3.0 Credits

Covers planning and execution of a professional project that integrates the academic and practical knowledge the student has acquired in his or her major.

College/Department: College of Arts and Sciences
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is COMM and classification is Senior.
Prerequisites: COM 210 [Min Grade: D] and (COM 220 [Min Grade: D] or SOC 250 [Min Grade: D])

Game Design & Production BS AFAS, ARCH, ARTH, COM, DANC, ENGL, FMST...DIGM 490 and DIGM 491 are repeated three...

Animation and Visual Effects BS AFAS, ARCH, ARTH, COM, DANC, ENGL, FMST...DIGM 490 and DIGM 491 are repeated three...

Interior Design BS / Interior Architecture MS AFAS, ARCH, ARTH, COM, DANC, ENGL, FMST...101 . ** Course Substitutions INTR 491 Senior Project I...