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DANC 491 Senior Project in Dance 1.0 Credit

Senior Project is the capstone course for Dance Majors in which the student presents a project in one of three areas: a presentation, scholarly research paper, or a major performance. The students will be required to utilize the skills, techniques, and concepts that they learned prior to their senior year in Drexel's Dance Program and present a project that reflects the students’ strength, concentration, and passion.

College/Department: Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts Design
Repeat Status: Can be repeated 2 times for 3 credits
Prerequisites: DANC 481 [Min Grade: D]

Animation and Visual Effects BS

...AFAS, ARCH, ARTH, COM, DANC, ENGL, FMST, GST...DIGM 490 and DIGM 491 are repeated three...

Game Design & Production BS

...AFAS, ARCH, ARTH, COM, DANC, ENGL, FMST, GST...DIGM 490 and DIGM 491 are repeated three...

Interior Design BS / Interior Architecture MS

...AFAS, ARCH, ARTH, COM, DANC, ENGL, FMST, GST...101 . ** Course Substitutions INTR 491 Senior Project I...