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MGMT 510 Business Problem Solving 3.0 Credits

Decision-making and problem-solving prowess is a skill that can and should be learned. Why do well-intentioned, smart, experienced professionals make poor decisions far too often? It may be because they haven’t been taught a disciplined process for making quality decisions. Perhaps they’ve relied on intuition, brains, luck, common sense, and training within the narrow bounds of their professional expertise. Unfortunately, in today’s professional environment these attributes may not be enough to sustain advantage. This course will help managers build confidence in the quality of their complex problem solving and decision making abilities, making them better leaders, and preparing them for effectively solving future challenges.

College/Department: LeBow College of Business
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

Executive MBA Program

...Topic in Finance 4.0 MKTG 510 2.0 MGMT 520 2.0 Winter Quarter...