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OPR 640 Decision Models for the Public Sector 3.0 Credits
This course will cover the basics of analytical modeling, optimization, and simulation as tools for decision-making in the public sector. The students will analyze cases illustrating the powerful impact of using these tools in cities across the country. Of particular focus will be the implementability of these tools and their recommendations in the real-world. Moreover, a city, especially one as big as Philadelphia, is a complex and dynamic environment, so we will investigate how to address some of the resulting challenges in our analyses. Specifically, we will address scenarios involving the improvement of existing operations, optimal resource allocation and distribution, and measuring and improving the quality and efficiency of service delivery.
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: OPR 601 [Min Grade: C-]
Physical Therapy DPT / Business Administration MBA
...Management (OPM), Operations Research (OPR), Organizational Behavior (ORGB...715 , MIS 652 , ORGB 640 , TAX 715 Other...