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ORGB 620 Leading Virtual Teams 3.0 Credits

The increased globalization of our workforce makes the use of virtual platforms to manage teams an organizational imperative. Virtual coordination offers a number of benefits for leaders including greater access to talent and temporal flexibility however, it also presents a number of challenges. This type of working arrangement heightens the importance of interpersonal relationships and teamwork in modern organizations and requires thoughtful strategies to succeed. This course examines the team structures, member characteristics, interpersonal processes, and technology features that influence the effectiveness of teams, and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships in virtual environments.

College/Department: LeBow College of Business
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit

Physical Therapy DPT / Business Administration MBA

...Research (OPR), Organizational Behavior (ORGB), Production Operations Management...535 3.0 PTRS 620 4.0 PTRS...