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PA 550 Principles of Medical Science III 2.0 Credits

This course is the last of three courses which provide the physiologic foundation for clinical courses. Emphasizing the complex nature of bodily functions, the course reviews normal physiology and provides a bridge to the concepts of pathophysiology that underlie dysfunction and disease in geriatrics, women's health, pediatrics, emergency medicine, and surgery while refining clinical reasoning skills.

College/Department: College of Nursing Health Professions
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Restrictions: Can enroll if major is PA.
Prerequisites: PA 548 [Min Grade: B] and PA 549 [Min Grade: B]
Corequisites: PA 553, PA 558, PA 561

Educational Administration MS

...a TOEFL score of 550 or higher. Students...Education Certification. Eligibility for PA Special Education Leadership...

Nursing PhD

...N. 36th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 ap469@drexel...RSCH 600-899, NURS 550-899. ++ Course selection...