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PHTO 233 Large Format Photography 4.0 Credits

Provides a thorough exploration of large-format camera techniques and large-format film exposure/development techniques including the zone system. Introduces the aesthetic of the large-format black-and-white photograph and expands the student's vision of the potential of the photographic image.

College/Department: Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts Design
Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit
Prerequisites: PHTO 220 [Min Grade: D]

Interior Design BS / Urban Strategy MS

...minimum scores: 100/577/233). Scores will be...LING, MENA, MUSC, PHIL, PHTO, PPE, PBHL, RELS...

Music Industry BS / Business MBA

...WRIT, ARCH, DANC, INTR, PHTO, RELS, and VSCM...MIP 276 . Take MIP 233 in Term 3...