Engineering Technology BSET

Major: Engineering Technology
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (BSET)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 186.5
Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years); No Co-op (Four years)
Classification of Instructional (CIP) code: 14.4101
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-3029; 17-3027

About the Program

The BS in Engineering Technology (ET) program at Drexel University is organized around a multidisciplinary, practice- and systems-based learning approach to solving real-world problems. The program prepares graduates for success as future technology innovators and industry leaders, bringing designs from theory into reality. The ET program stresses multidisciplinary knowledge and extensive use of hands-on laboratory coursework and revolves around student-focused teaching and career-focused education, emphasizing a practical application of theory. 

Due to its application-oriented, broad focus in different engineering disciplines, the program is suited for students who learn best through putting concepts into practice. The program is ideal for students who want to pursue careers as engineers and leaders in advanced technology fields. The multidisciplinary nature of ET allows graduates to excel in a range of disciplines, from robotics and smart manufacturing to electronics and renewable energy, and have an immediate impact on the engineering field.

Engineering technology graduates go on to integrate electrical, mechanical, manufacturing, and industrial engineering disciplines to meet opportunities and technical challenges in robotics, healthcare, energy, transportation, communications, environmental protection, defense and homeland security and buildings and infrastructure. Engineering technology professionals are uniquely qualified to serve in a variety of functions requiring traditional and nontraditional technological skills. The program also prepares students for graduate study in a variety of fields, including engineering management, business administration and healthcare.

The state-of-the-art technology at the heart of the practice-based laboratories allows students to be well-versed in the application of modern technology to production-level engineering problems. Through real world industry-sponsored capstone projects, co-op and internships with local and international companies, students in the Engineering Technology program frequently become closely connected to the regional industry resulting in career opportunities developed from those connections. 

During pre-junior year, students need to choose one of the four available concentrations. The following concentrations are available under the Engineering Technology degree:

All students enrolled in the program are required to take general education courses, including mathematics, sciences and general education electives. All concentrations consist of core fundamental courses, technical electives, free electives, and a three-term senior design project. The senior design project reflects industrial practices and requires working prototype. 

Full-time students can opt for a four-year program with a six-month co-op or a five-year program with three, six-month co-op cycles.


The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (ET) educates future engineers to become the next generation of innovators and industry leaders, giving graduates the tools to meet the technological and applied engineering challenges of industry and society for the 21st century. 

Engineering Technology Program Educational Objectives

Produces graduates who:

  • Apply discipline-specific theory, experiments, and real-world experience to interpret, analyze, and solve current and emerging technical problems
  • Communicate clearly and persuasively with technical and non-technical people in oral, written, and graphical forms
  • Function individually or as a member of a team, or as a leader on teams to design quality systems, components, or processes in a timely, responsible, and creative manner
  • Demonstrate behavior consistent with professional ethics and are cognizant of social concerns as they relate to the practice of engineering technology
  • Strive for professional growth and engage in lifelong learning

Engineering Technology Student Outcomes

The program's outcomes reflect the skills and abilities that the curriculum is designed to provide to students by the time they graduate. These are:  

  • An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline
  • An ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to the discipline
  • An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and non-technical environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature
  • An ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes
  • An ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team

Additional Information

The Engineering Technology program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET.

For additional information, please visit the Engineering Technology webpage.

Career Opportunities

The Engineering Technology program is designed to meet employers' growing needs for college-educated problem solvers created by the technology revolution. Career opportunities in engineering technology are virtually limitless with at least 5,500 companies in the region offering jobs for engineering technologists. As a leading urban university in the Greater Philadelphia region, Drexel's location offers access to a vast number of industries including:

  • Defense
  • Aerospace
  • Power generation
  • Public utilities
  • Shipbuilding
  • Railroad
  • Manufacturing
  • Environmental
  • Chemical
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Medical care 

With the skills developed in this program, students will be able to integrate academic theory and professional practice in order to communicate effectively with engineers from different fields, scientists, the production workforce, marketing professionals, company management, and ultimately the customer. Students may participate in the design, development, testing, and manufacturing of industrial machinery, electric and electronic equipment, medical devices, consumer products, and other equipment.

Engineering technologists can serve in industry in many capacities. Some fields include:

  • Automation design and process engineering
  • Mechanical/production engineering
  • Electrical engineering and electronics
  • Field engineering
  • Systems engineering and management
  • Environmental engineering
  • Quality control
  • Sales and customer service
  • Systems/programming
  • Testing engineering

Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center page for more detailed information on post-graduate opportunities.

Engineering Technology Faculty

M. Eric Carr, MsCpE (Drexel University). Instructor. Computer Engineering, Digital Design, Programmable Devices, Genetic Algorithms, Programming, Additive Manufacturing, Maker Movement.
Richard Chiou, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Associate Professor. Green manufacturing, mechatronics, Internet-based robotics and automation, and remote sensors and monitoring.
Yalcin Ertekin, PhD (University of Missouri-Rolla). Associate Clinical Professor. High speed machining with micromachining applications, machining process optimization and condition monitoring using multiple sensors, FEA simulation with 3D solid modeling applications, rapid prototyping and reverse engineering, quality and reliability improvement through statistically designed experiments, neural networks and data mining and Taguchi methods, CNC machine tool calibration characterization of cold fastening, clinching and self-pierced riveting processes, non-invasive surgical tool design, student learning enhancement using online simulation tools.
Donald Fehlinger, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Teaching Professor. Phase Change Heat Transfer, Engineering Education.
Irina Ciobanescu Husanu, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Clinical Professor. Microgravity combustion, thermal-fluid science with applications in micro-combustion, fuel cells and research of alternative and green fuels, energy conversion and renewable energy, industrial experience in aerospace engineering areas (theoretical analysis, numerical simulations and experimental investigations), design and testing of propulsion systems, mechanical instrumentation, and developing industrial applications of aircraft engines.