The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems

Mission Statement

The mission of the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems is to educate and empower the next generations of diverse biomedical innovators through interdisciplinary research, design-thinking, and immersive learning to equitably transform the future of health and humanity.

The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems is a nationally recognized center for research in biomedical engineering and science offering multi-disciplinary instruction on a full- and part-time basis at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems offers a bachelor of science program in biomedical engineering with a choice of five concentration areas: biomaterials and tissue engineering, biomechanics and human performance engineering, biomedical informatics, biomedical devices and imaging, and neuroengineering.

About the School

The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems (formerly the Biomedical Engineering and Science Institute, founded in 1961) is a leader in biomedical engineering and biomedical science research and education. The undergraduate program was inaugurated in September 1998 and has steadily grown to attract the highest ability students at the University. The undergraduate biomedical engineering curriculum is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

The School's academic thrust areas, both in research and education, are at the forefront of biosensing, bioimaging, bioinformation engineering and integrated bioinformatics, drug delivery, biomedical ultrasound & optics, bionanotechnology, cellular tissue engineering, neuroengineering and human performance. Emerging initiatives include skin bioengineering and pediatric engineering. Various departments at Drexel University offer courses that are suited for students in biomedical engineering and biomedical science. The School's curriculum complements the strengths of the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business, Engineering, Computing & Informatics, Law, Medicine, and Nursing. As a whole, the curriculum offers the advanced knowledge needed for industrial careers, health professions, graduate research or careers in highly specialized fields such as pre-professional health (medical, dental, and veterinary) and pre-law.

The marriage of technology with biology and medicine drives the 21st Century industrial enterprise. Consistent with this mission, the School strives for clinical and industrial relevance in our academic pursuits, and also maintains a strong entrepreneurship program in biomedical technologies. The School's alliance with regional economic development agencies and corporations together with advisors from business development, legal, and investment communities sustains the growth of this program. The students and faculty of the School are committed to move their discoveries from laboratories to clinical practice or home use. The success of the Translational Research in Biomedical Technologies program has been recognized and funded regionally as well as nationally.

The School has experienced remarkable growth in recent years thanks to our outstanding research portfolio, high quality and innovative graduate and undergraduate programs, and our multidisciplinary approach to education and research. Another competitive advantage is the unique free-standing university-level administrative structure with its own tenure-track faculty lines, budget and space. This helps transcend the traditional organizational boundaries of engineering, sciences and medicine. The School's independence allows the pursuit of growth and collaborations in various disciplines and its structure provides agility to reconfigure and reorganize in response to emerging opportunities. The University Strategic Plan recognizes our School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems as “Drexel’s prototype of academic integration. ”

Metropolitan Philadelphia has one of the nation’s highest concentrations of medical institutions and pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and systems industry. The School has forged strategic partnerships with select universities, research institutes, health care institutions and industries in the region. The School enjoys a close working relationship with our Drexel College of Medicine as well as alliances with prominent medical institutions in the region to develop joint research and educational programs. These include the University of Pennsylvania, Thomas Jefferson University, the Fox Chase Cancer Center and the Wistar Institute. These collaborative initiatives provide students with ample opportunities in basic and clinical research as well as innovative academic programs.

Co-operative Education

Co-op and career opportunities available to students include employment in the medical device, equipment, and systems industry; the biomaterial and implant industry; the pharmaceutical industry; the biotechnology and agricultural industry; the telemedicine and tele-health industry; health care; medical and clinical information and management systems; and biomedical technology transfer. Preprofessional options available in the academic programs of the School prepare students for admission to schools of medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. Students may also choose to continue their education at the graduate level to prepare for careers in research and development in biomedical engineering and science.

Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center page for more detailed information on co-op and post-graduate opportunities.

Special Programs

Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Dual Degree Program

The Accelerated BS/MS degree program provides opportunities for strongly motivated students with high ability to progress toward their educational goals at an accelerated pace. The program makes it possible for top engineering students to obtain both a bachelor's and master's degree in the same time period that it takes most Drexel students to obtain a bachelor's degree.

Preprofessional Programs

Students who want to prepare for admission to schools of medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine have the option to pursue a pre-medical curriculum, including the BS/MD and early assurance programs at the Drexel College of Medicine. Students obtain professional counseling and assistance from the Office of Preprofessional Programs, 215-895-2437.

University Honors

Students in the Biomedical Engineering program may apply for admission to the University Honors Program. Admission depends on superior academic performance at Drexel and may be approved after a personal interview with the Honors Committee.

BME Learning Community

The mission of the Biomedical Engineering Learning Community (BLC) is to promote a dynamic and collaborative environment by forming a close-knit community living together on the same floor in Millennium Hall. Members of the BLC are not only housed together, but also attend classes together, participate in team building activities, and attend various academic and social events. These events and activities actively promote academic success and a sense of community among students. BLC students will build life-long friendships, networking connections, and make lasting college memories.

Study Abroad Programs

The School enjoys a robust association and participation in the Drexel University Study Abroad Program. Multiple programs afford the BME student an opportunity to travel and experience new places and cultures in ways that fit their objectives.

Free standing programs are designed specifically for study abroad purposes. Courses are taken by students from Drexel and other American universities. Because the programs are catered specifically for study abroad students (rather than local students), courses usually include field trips and site visits to utilize the city as an integral part of the learning experience. Some programs only have a select list of courses while others have more extensive courses available. 

Intensive Courses Abroad (ICAs) offer the opportunity to have an international academic experience in a short period of time (generally 7 - 10 days during break weeks). ICAs are normally led by a Drexel faculty director, in conjunction with an on campus course before and/or after the tour. They include activities such as guest lectures, industry visits, and other hands on events that transform the city into a living laboratory. The Drexel BME program regards the study abroad experience as a significant part of becoming a global leader in the field