Environmental Policy MSEP

Major: Environmental Policy
Degree Awarded: Master of Science in Environmental Policy (MSEP)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 45.0
Co-op Option: None
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 44.0599
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code:

About the Program

The Master of Science in Environmental Policy (MSEP) spans the disciplines of law, political science, economics, engineering, business, public health, and others. Students in this program take core courses in Public Policy, Environmental Policy, and Economics and tracked courses in Environmental Science or Environmental and Occupational Health. With their electives, students can conduct real-world research writing through a case study thesis, complete a graduate minor tailored to their interests, or complete their degree with research experience. MS in Environmental Policy candidates receive personalized advising, which helps students find the classes and opportunities that will best serve their professional goals.

In addition to the core courses, the program has a focus on case study research as a unifying element of the curriculum. Students are required to choose a specific case study topic that they will work on typically for three terms during the program. By the end of the program, students will have produced a polished, in-depth analysis of a specific case that they can use to demonstrate expertise in a given policy area.

Additional Information

For more information about this program, visit the MS in Environmental Policy page.

Admission Requirements

Applications are accepted year-round and applicants can expect a decision within one month. Entering students may begin study fall, winter, or spring quarter. Full-time students can complete the program in two years. Part-time students can complete the degree at their own pace.

Additional Information

For more information on how to apply, visit Drexel's Admissions page for Environmental Policy.

Degree Requirements

Students take 27.0 credits of core classes made up of four Public Policy courses, three Environmental Core courses, and two Economics Core courses. They also take either an Environmental Science, Occupational Health, or Environmental Engineering Track (two 3.0 credit classes). Students may use the remaining 12.0 credits to complete approved electives or research experience. Students wishing to delve deeper into a subject can choose to complete a 9.0 credit case study as part of their 45.0 required credits which they should begin in the first or second quarter.

Program Requirements

Public Policy Core Courses *12.0
Theory and Practice of Policy Analysis
Methods of Policy Analysis
Institutional Dynamics of the Policy Process
Nonprofit Organizations
Environmental Core Courses9.0
Environmental Law
Environmental Policy
Environmental Science or Environmental and Occupational Health Track6.0
Environmental Science Track- 2 of the following courses:
Chemistry of the Environment
Conservation Biology
Environmental and Occupational Health Track- EOH 510 and one of the following 600-level EOH courses:
Principles and Practice of Environmental and Occupational Health
Evidence Evaluation for Identification of Environmental Hazards
Environmental and Occupational Toxicology
Environmental and Occupational Health Policy
Quantitative Risk Analysis for Environmental Health
Economics Core6.0
Managerial Economics
Public Finance and Cost Benefit Analysis
Research Experience and/or Approved Courses in Environmental Policy
Approved Electives: The remaining 12.0 credits may be any graduate ENVP or PLCY courses, including the 9.0 credit Case Study Sequence (optional). In some cases, course substitutions may be made with courses from other departments. Elective courses taken outside the department must receive prior departmental approval in order to be counted toward the degree.12.0
Total Credits45.0

 Within the first quarter of study, a student must meet with an assigned advisor and work out a plan of study. 

Sample Plan of Study

First Year
ENVP 5723.0ECON 6013.0ECON 6163.0VACATION
PLCY 5043.0PLCY 5073.0ENVS 5063.0 
Track elective3.0Approved elective3.0PLCY 5033.0 
 9 9 9 0
Second Year
ENVP 5223.0Approved electives9.0  
PLCY 5063.0   
Track elective3.0   
 9 9  
Total Credits 45

Program Level Outcomes

  • Analyze the sources of environmental controversy with respect to the competing interests and values involved; explain controversial issues from multiple, competing points of view
  • Identify and understand the laws, policies, and regulatory approaches applicable to a given environmental issue
  • Explain fundamental scientific and social scientific ideas underlying environmental problems and their proposed solutions, as well as the uncertainties, limitations, and values inherent in those ideas
  • Anticipate the social justice implications of environmental interventions and propose strategies for making outcomes more equitable
  • Synthesize and present available information relevant to an environmental issue in a comprehensible and comprehensive form, such that a non-expert could quickly grasp the nuances of the issue
  • Work effectively in multidisciplinary, cross-sector teams to envision policy approaches to addressing environmental problems as they exist in the real world

Environmental Policy Faculty

Richardson Dilworth, PhD (Johns Hopkins University) Head, Department of Politics. Professor. American political development, urban politics, public policy.
Christian Hunold, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement. Professor. Environmental policy; comparative politics; urban wildlife; political theory.
Alison Kenner, PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute). Associate Professor. Science, technology, and health; environmental health problems; cities and place; feminist theory; medical anthropology; digital humanities
Gwen Ottinger, PhD (University of California, Berkeley). Professor. Social studies of science and technology, environmental justice, environmental political theory, citizen science, science and engineering ethics.
Diane Sicotte, PhD (Arizona State University). Associate Professor. Sociology of environmental justice; inequalities in the citing of environmental hazards; community-based research in neighborhoods dealing with industrial hazards; sociology of the environment; urban sociology; social inequalities.
Chloe Silverman, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) Director, Center for Science, Technology & Society. Associate Professor. Parent advocacy for autism, neurodiversity, and pollinator health research.

Emeritus Faculty

Robert J. Brulle, PhD (George Washington University). Professor Emeritus. Environmental policy and politics, critical theory, marine risk, social movements, environmental sociology.