Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience MSHCIU

Major: Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience
Degree Awarded: Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction/User Experience (MSHCIU)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Minimum Required Credits: 45.0
Co-op Option: Optional for full-time, on-campus master's-level students
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 11.0101
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 15-1210

About the Program

The Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience (HCI/UX) explores creative ideas, theories, and technologies to advance students’ understanding of the complex and tightly coupled relationships between people and computing systems. The program prepares students to create and evaluate technologies that support and complement human needs and abilities in a broad range of contexts such as work, wellness, home, entertainment, and artistic expression. The HCI/UX program prepares students for a range of careers related to user experience research and design, interface design, and software development.

A graduate co-op is available; for more information, visit the Steinbright Career Development Center's website.

Admission Requirements

The Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience accepts applicants who hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited university. Please visit the College of Computing & Informatics website for more information on admission requirements.

Additional Information

For more information about this master's program, visit the College of Computing & Informatics HCI/UX webpage.

Admission Requirements

The Master of Science in Information accepts applicants who hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited university. Please visit the College of Computing & Informatics website for more information on admission requirements.

Degree Requirements

HCI/UX Research and Design
INFO 508Information Innovation through Design Thinking3.0
or DSRE 620 Design Problem Solving
INFO 615Designing with Data3.0
INFO 690Understanding Users: User Experience Research Methods3.0
INFO 691Prototyping the User Experience3.0
HCI/UX Theory and Frontiers
INFO 608Human-Computer Interaction3.0
INFO 609Accessible and Inclusive Design3.0
INFO 616Social and Collaborative Computing3.0
INFO 693Human–Artificial Intelligence Interaction3.0
Elective Courses *15.0
INFO 881HCI/UX Capstone I3.0
INFO 882HCI/UX Capstone II3.0
Optional Co-op Experience **0-1
Career Management and Professional Development for Master's Degree Students **
Total Credits45.0-46.0

Students can choose any combination of any courses listed below for a total of 45.0 credits (15.0 credits beyond the required 30.0 credits). If a student chooses all courses listed in a single area, they may apply for a graduate certificate in that area. A degree student may receive a maximum of three certificates.


Co-op is an option for this degree for full-time on-campus students. To prepare for the 6-month co-op experience, students will complete: COOP 500

Web Application Development
Introduces students to web and mobile application design and development
INFO 532Software Development3.0
INFO 600Web Systems & Architecture3.0
INFO 655Intro to Web Programming3.0
Choose 2 (two) of the following:6.0
Cross-platform Mobile Development
Requirements Engineering and Management
Software Project Management
Total Credits15.0
Data Science Foundations
Provides a foundation for managing and leveraging data assets to support decision making, problem solving, modeling and related activities.
DSCI 511Data Acquisition and Pre-Processing3.0
DSCI 521Data Analysis and Interpretation3.0
Choose 3 courses from:9.0
Programming Foundations
Quantitative Foundations of Data Science
Foundations of Data and Information
Social Network Analytics
Information Visualization
Healthcare Informatics
Information Policy and Ethics
Total Credits15.0
Applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Introduces students to data analysis and interpretation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and deep learning.
CS 501Introduction to Programming3.0
or CS 570 Programming Foundations
CS 614Applications of Machine Learning3.0
INFO 629Applied Artificial Intelligence3.0
Choose one of the following:3.0
Data Structures and Algorithms
Systems Basics
Quantitative Foundations of Data Science
Data Acquisition and Pre-Processing
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Applied Machine Learning for Data Science
Knowledge-based Systems
Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Human–Artificial Intelligence Interaction
Total Credits12.0
Computer Science Foundations
Introduces students without prior programming experience to the theoretical and technical foundations necessary to tackle the latest challenges in computer science and related areas.
CS 501Introduction to Programming3.0
CS 502Data Structures and Algorithms3.0
CS 503Systems Basics3.0
CS 504Introduction to Software Design3.0
Total Credits12.0
Additional Elective Courses
DIGM 501New Media: History, Theory and Methods3.0
AS-I 501Creative Interdisciplinary Team Research: Principles and Practice3.0
INFO 509Information & Social Justice3.0
INFO 540Perspectives on Information Systems3.0
INFO 590Foundations of Data and Information3.0
INFO 623Social Network Analytics3.0
INFO 633Information Visualization3.0
INFO 659Introduction to Data Analytics3.0
INFO 682Storytelling3.0
INFO 725Information Policy and Ethics3.0
MKTG 601Marketing Strategy & Planning3.0

Sample Plan of Study

Graduate, Part-time, No Co-op Option

First Year
INFO 5083.0INFO 6903.0INFO 6153.0INFO 6093.0
INFO 6083.0INFO 6163.0INFO 6913.0Elective3.0
 6 6 6 6
Second Year
INFO 6933.0Electives6.0INFO 8813.0INFO 8823.0
Elective3.0 Elective3.0 
 6 6 6 3
Total Credits 45

Note: Second Year Summer is less than the 4.5-credit minimum required (considered half-time status) of graduate programs to be considered financial aid eligible. As a result, aid will not be disbursed to students this term.

Graduate, Full-time, Co-op Option

First Year
COOP 5001.0INFO 6903.0INFO 6913.0INFO 8813.0
INFO 5083.0INFO 6163.0INFO 6153.0Electives6.0
INFO 6083.0INFO 6093.0Elective3.0 
INFO 6933.0   
 10 9 9 9
Second Year
 0 0 9 
Total Credits 46